Dam I seen this video plenty of times the woman in the pink top used to play an important role for the Gulf Cartel she was known as "Comandante Wera Loka" she was a high ranking member. killer I doubt anyone sees this video and says oh I'm gonna stop now. 10 car convoy in one no logos, gunmen in two other points. In fact they want them to kill off each other, less to deal with. This is LIFE people do these things and some actually deserve it. These people are sick animals and doing it all because of drugs. Anyone knows what happens to the guy that still lives at the end of the video? But the rich is to rich to stop there habbit. This is somehow felipe calderon's fault. Personally, I work hard so that I can play hard. on their plan to combat this madness next door. Including some states like durango, or cohuila. The cartel has unlimited resources to have all weapons, ammunition, armored vehicles, military gear, helicopters, grenades, air support (bombs from planes). Man, LET'S MAKE ANOTHER ONE! Ur a lame motherfucker like you know EXACTLY what he did to deserve this. It says this is from cdg so you never mess with them, this is so you tell ur friends El terco and the ones u know.Guys tells some one to cut his neck and tells him can you do it?? Gross.Then, ur head.I seen another video of a guy getting his nuts cut off. It does come around. !, Borderland Beat will post ANYTHING FOR US AND WE LUV PUBLICITY!! Makes you wonder "why?" They are surrounded by 13 masked men, apparently Los Zetas hitmen, who point their rifles at them. excerpt from article"The hit man's wife and stepdaughter were kept in the house overnight. themostinterestingmaninamerica. @3:45am they got killed cause they fuckn Golfo whores. 270p Video: Notorious Mexican Los Zetas cartel boss, Moises Escamilla May, 45, who was jailed for a string of ruthless beheadings, dies in jail from coronavirus Jalisco Cartel Nueva. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. I mean, they have Wikileaks founder Julian Assange held captive @ the American embassy in Equador. What is it going to take for our government to get their heads out of their asses and bring some "shock & awe" to these very disturbed individuals committing acts of savagery on a escalating, daily basis? and now Norway where mexicans truly dont belong.. so don't even try to compare america to mexico, shit at least here you dont really have to live in a shiity town with no policehaa haa fuck that shit!!! I know, I know Imagine how the victims of these presumed golfos felt and If they are legit golfos then they got what they deserve but if not Geez louise this video was a hard pill to swallow. at least its more harmless and less painfully then a chainsaw. They got this vato I jst wanna who did is it cartel de golffas o las zorras anyone how can confirm this it would b very appreciated Thnx att el compa meo. ; violence being an all too familiar commonality.Thomas Jefferson once said that we are obligated as good citizens to break unjust laws. Murder and beheading of 4 women by the Mexican cartel Los Zetas. Delta force centre spike and los pepes were all away at the moment they killed pablo. The BB daily puzzle..paz, chivis. for fucks sake. They should be dealt with and dispatched with "extreme predjudice." dismembered These Narco vids have proven nothing! usa is weak for not intervining in these cruel and sick rituals these weak ass cartels display ! you are you talking in circles ,not only are you using up the battery on my phone reading this novel of nothingness that you put into words please " stop" and think before you write. Battles between the Sinoloa and Los Zetas cartels have left a bloody legacy in the streets of Nuevo Leon. Then began to scream with unimaginable screams of terror..The so brave,extortioning people,car jackings,thinking are invincible,kidnapping,and you screamed like little girls at the time of your death? Four police officers were killed and two other people . Fucking murder thier going hell whey they die. Look wat these assholes did to mexico. wow it must be all that spanish blood.after all it was the spaniards who dismembered and burned people alive. Funny, I haven't really heard much from the Obama admin. They do get help at time from the US, but not enough to keep them supplied as well as the cartels. The murder appears to be part of the ongoing war between rival factions of the Los Zetas cartel. Just so all of you readers know. Their enemies, the Gulf Cartel, began moving their own enforcers known as Los Zetas into the city. These guys are nothing but cheap killers who eventually will die the same way. Trolls pretending THIS stuff is fake? I mean "el cuarenta " is the one that needs to be taken out. Was the guy being decapitated feeling the cutting of bus fingers he didn't even make any moves or yells? Ethnicity doesn't matter. what the hell are you talking about he isnt making sounds or moving, maybe he is hoping against hope they decide not to kill him.. man its so crazy that if this video was made in the us they would find these fuckers easy with digital forensics and all sorts of stuff, yet in mexico its just like the authorities are like fuck'em!! But nothing compares to this. If you were handed the knife? Los Zetas' and Gulf Cartel's areas of influence, Oct 2013 . What in the fucking world is wrong with these people. It is a matter of time before these individuals are begging for their lives too and dispatched like the dogs they are. just stop being ignorant and impatient and maybe the rest of the world will start to care for mexicans Baylor University is one of the best medical schools in the US. It's obviously more descriptive than just reading about it. Great job on the videos, been dying to see it very interested how these cartels operate without remorse. Very true^^ ,different killings mean different thingsWho ever it was who made that video ,,, shot that guy in the head no doubtThey probably trusted thiss guy and took it personal ,snitches get sliced and diced. I wonder how many people have these golfos or zetas have killed in this fashion now they are getting a piece of their own medicine im sorry but eye for an eye its like all these cartels are trying to out do each other all there doing is continuing a cycle that never ends and this should be a lesson to all not to get into this shit buisness you dont pay or you lose a load and you snitch its been one for you.Now you kill innocence in this fashion then you deserve to die in this or far worse fashion .Good night and peace to all . i chose to read but will not tamper on the right of others to choose for themselves even though some choose strictly for nefarious reasons. I feel terrible for these men. "themostinterestingmaninamerica"Dude,i know right from wrong i don't mean to piss you off,im just telling you my truth from inside?Ok,i believe you.I have worked and dealt with violence,it is what it is?I don't mean to piss you off but,you yourself are hurting from all the violence,yet,you carry a Taurus?I use to go to festivals all the time.and your right,it was good man,everyone on the same vibe,but,at the same time,throw alcohol in the mix and see humanity change,good people get all crunk and want to start fighting,people who couldn't hurt a fly if they tried ordinarily.My comment stands,be cool brother,for real. Many of the soldiers were from good and decent families "yet" despite this they became depraved killers. There are so many gods out there to choose from. Those screams will haunt me for a long time. I believe the are a couple kinds of people who turn to BB for these stories. February 28, 2013 at 4:11 PM "This "sad whining motherfuckers" EXACTLY describes YOU"I promise i will try and find your nuts,,oh,and your sack. brazil In the video, thugs ask the women about their ties to the Gulf Cartel (CDG). Disgusting. and this hole thing of beheading people needs to stop and posting it on the internet all this causes is anger rage for the other cartels and it is a never ending process of revenge, so i think these videos should be posted on the internet, in the usa these videos should serve as evdience to the cops not for world to see. Maybe this guy being decapitated was molested, had a really fucked up upbringing like a father who beat the shit out of him so at a young age he became involved w drugs and shit like that, you JUST DON'T KNOW! I cant watch but im interested in the narco war in mexico. Think about it"Are you really this sincere?Do you really feel what your are saying?What is so glorious about humanity?Violence is just as natural and as pertinent as love,envy,happiness.Idealism will not take away what we naturally are,that's why we need law and order.Imagine what it would be like with impunity?Kinda like this right here STOP! (them meaning zetas probably). and to you, why would you be dying to see some poor soul being murdered? Id go on a cartel sweep and tortue all of them ! February 26, 2013 at 4:31 AM"I saw one video in the past. May God bless the innocents and those whove lost their way and find and end to this madness soon. Suicide by jumping. My apologies, the foto originally posted did not seem to go with the story, I did a search and found the foto was really a poor David Roso not even of Mexico he was executed before his intended wedding in August of 2010. Before they left, one of Barbie's men told the wife, "Your husband said to tell you that he loves you." "No those vids are not humanity and it dont sound like u r a very humane person.what if it was to happen to your kids or you? "the gringos do it to,the gringos,the gringos,its all the fault of the gringos"sad whining motherfuckers.Fuckin funny seeing Mexicans whine like this.I didn't know it was my fault that Mexicans are beheading Mexicans and posting them online,its also my fault tons of drugs are landed in ports and brought over the border,i just didn't realize until you made it all clear to me.Us gringos ey,we are the cause of everything,ha,ha,ha.Fuck off humpty back. and killed and disposed of anyway even after the ransom was paid? I felt it diminished my humanity. WOW !!!!!!!!! These men in the cartels were born into this life so even if they are cartel members, they still don't deserve to die like this. You cant even eat wen your watching that. Who knows what these men were killed for REALLY? It's just some baptist university texas football school, those type of schools are all over the southern regions. As the two factions continue their fierce fighting, gunmen from the two groups have taken to social media and banners to deliver threats to each other. Just look it at ciudad juarez and toluca. A lot of intelligent fuckers who go to universities are sick fucks so u goin to baylor don't mean shit!!! it was for the most part a success on a few hard woeking COLUMBIAN individuals. that comes with it makes you wish you had never been involved. Shocking video shows Mexican cartel members lined up on their knees and taunted, moments before they are executed by a rival gang. U might not enjoy it as much"Possibly unlike you my brother,if i got an opportunity i would gladly cut them open as sure as i am here,,,i have a sneaking suspicion you might as well,would that be ok in your eyes?I would not wait for so called court justice,as i have not,,,anyway that is entirely natural.Ok,be cool now,go listen to fuckin Allman bros,Blue Sky live,naughty shit my brother,and then,,,what a man needs,,,some feminine gentleness,anyway,,,,im drifting. Let's party AND TAKE ANOTHER HEAD OFF!". WOW YO POR ESO CUANDO SEA GRANDE QUIERO SER SICARIO PARA ANDAR EN UNA CAMIONETOTA LOBO ROBADA CON EL ESTREO A TODO VOLUMEN ESCUCHANDO NARCOCORRIDOS Y YO VESTIDO BIEN PIPIRISNICE CON MI CHAMARRA "ESOTICA" DE PIEL DE PITO DE INDIO Y MIS VOTAS VAQUERAS DE LENGUA DE COLIBRY A MI JEFESITA SANTA LE VOY A COMPRAR UN MOLCAJETE "ELEITRICO" Y UNA LAVADORA CON INCRUSTACIONES DE PIEDRAS PRECIOSAS. P.S. What completes the gore video : The sound. They are known for engaging in brutally violent "shock and awe" tactics such as beheadings, torture, and indiscriminate murder.While primarily concerned with drug trafficking, the organization also runs profitable sex and gun rackets. This is the alleged Commander Paty, whom they say is responsible for some kidnappings carried out in the municipalities of the state of Veracruz for the Los Zetas Cartel. That's why I wont watch, i already know the outcome. I live in this area im surrounded by demons like dis.. and believe it or not but I thank prison and street gangs cus their actually are the ones keeping motherfuckers like this away from you and I not cops! But do not think for a second that the CIA is in cahoots with the actual shot callers, they have been involved from the beginning and always will. Thats fucking scary that you would even want to watch someone get cooked alive.youre probably a future serial killer but do yourself a favor and do it in tx we all know what tx will do to your ass when you do, El chapped dose the same but he don't videoTape it, Its embarrasing to see this mex an south americans kill people an the thought that more than half r tortured to say wat they say an r innocent is messed up an for u haters I am a proud aztec warrior but its just wrong wats going on. Bloody gross. I too carry a Taurus 24/7 because of shit like this. Fucking narcos. Chivis their is a new video of zetas dressed in their fez uniforms they do the same to 3 alive to way worst than this one these guys actually scream and yell horrifically. beheaded Then the killers cut the throats of the women and behead them. (the zetas did recently post a video where they behead three supposed cdg members in a sugar cane field or cornfield.) Corts Prez, Julio Csar Corts Garca, Look here whore golfos, here we have your fucking people, this is going Some of you are talking really tough about watching this video and liking it. Ending up in a execution video going out in the most hideous way? Basically they have more than any police force does in Mexico. I must say that luckily that I did not eat lunch before I saw the video. Its suppose to cause fear? then tony says f##k you haza then lets his gold desert.E pistolBURST on sosa.any ways i just wonder if any gay narco in mex take the rules of sosa and applys them to his gaynarca group.also i think mexico should have a law that states if you kill a child you will automaticly get a death penalty by a rusty machete in public so that way those narcas would learn. Their own death what they worship La Santa Muerte takes care of them too. your selection of posts and those you write are top notch that include every aspect of the issue, and do not come close to sensationalizing the gore. Several other executions and attacks during the weekend brought the total number of casualties to 19 and close to 24 wounded by gunfire. be fair, "The following is an additional video that some of you have been writing and asking for. The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used. wtf do these guys even do this for. They don't even see the profits. obvious a person outside Mexico. Most narcos will be murderd, shot or rot in jail. A video has emerged of the Zetas drug cartel sawing a man's feet and then arms off while he is still alive and mocking him: . Exactly! Los Zetas operates in 17 states, while Sinaloa operates in 16 states. 9:14 says he actually enjoyed watching the beheading video which tells me he also enjoys watching cats and dogs being tortured but more importantly obviously he's never beheaded a human being. Two hitmen from Los Zetas Cartel in Mexico crossed into Texas to carry out a home invasion turned execution, authorities revealed. The guy talking shit on Mexicans at 12:21 anonymously at the beginning of the thread, his name is Julian hristov. Alive alive So they can see. One of the women answers that her brother-in-law is with the Gulf Cartel. I've gone from being shocked to angry. Breitbart Texas has consulted with relatives and friends of the Garcia family who said the Texas family had traveled to Ciudad Victoria with the children for the summer vacation. Dirty money never lasts. Los Zetas (pronounced [los setas], Spanish for "The Zs") is a Mexican criminal syndicate, formerly as one of the most dangerous of Mexico's drug cartels. guy said no no no!!!!! The first gruesome narco vid i watched was the manuel melendez vid, that vid left me shaking ,this was horrible but it didnt get to me as much as others are saying, but still this is awful how a paisano can do this to another paisano over some meaningls "drug war", I believe the zetas in this vid are comandante viernes and his man he controls this area they mentioned he was captured 2 days agobut for some reason realesed,What i dont get is why the blogs never follow up on the victims , interview there familys , see what they were like an if they were realy part of this, that be intrseting to see, Soon God will judge for those who done evilsouls will consume to eternal suffering..tell youu. Them supplied as well as the cartels LIFE people do these things some! 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Belt Squeal Goes Away When Accelerating, Articles C