OxiClean White Revive Laundry Whitener + Stain Remover Powder (Chlorine Bleach Alternative!) Topical spot-on insecticides: These are common flea and tick medications that you can find at your veterinary clinic or at the local pet store. Blot with white towel. Because of these concerns, we advise keeping your soaps and cleansers in an area that is not accessible to your dog. It harnesses the power of oxygen to get out tough dirt, persistent spots and set-in stains. We suggest you contact the manufacturer of your rubber surfaces for cleaning recommendations. Have you ever wondered if a particular household cleaning product or human medication is poisonous to your pets? Waiting periods, annual deductible, co-insurance, benefit limits and exclusions may apply. My data is based on one dog and not trying all the cleaning suggestions. Some individuals may actually be allergic to the natural proteins themselves and a switch to a detergent that does not use enzymes may be helpful. This worked almost instantly. This includes ammonia, chlorine bleach, and other household chemicals. OxiClean contains sodium. Will the blue crystals dye my clothes/carpet etc.? OxiClean was developed in 1992, and since then has made its way into household laundry arsenals all over the world. Thats a great tip for any cleaning solution, to be honest. 1.Fill to line 1 per 16 ounces of water. Product liberally to saturate the carpet and/or carpet pad. Please remember that this guide is for general information only, and is not intended to help assess or manage animal exposures, or any subsequent time-sensitive medical issues. After its dry, sprinkle on some baking soda (not powder) and wait 30 minutes then vacuum the cushion. By providing my mobile number, I agree to receive 2-4 text messages per month from the ASPCA, which may include requests for charitable donations. For large surfaces, work with small areas, so solution does not dry on the surface. Please consult your veterinarian before giving any over-the-counter medications for pain. Otherwise, wait until the area is almost dry then sprinkle with some baking soda and rub that in with a stiff bristled brush. He may be having a reaction to the laundry soap, or something else, but if his eyes are swollen, he's vomiting and doesn't want to eat or drink, he needs medical attention. It comes in handy for carpets, upholstery and many other surfaces in your home. Got a tip, kitchen tour, or other story our readers should see? OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover Free has all the great power of OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover without any dyes or fragrances. Get first access to special savings, new products, sweepstakes andmore. After cleaning, please dispose of unused or dirty solutions, and clean and put away cleaning implements like mops. (Of course, youll need to clean that when youre done.). Do not allow solution to dry on fabrics. Sanitize kids' toys, sports gear, and pet supplies. - Oxygen-based, water-activated formula gets out tough dirt, persistent spots and set-in stains. Yes, it is activated when added to warm or hot water. Dont have access to carpet cleaner. ? box of OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover Powder. These detergents have the potential to cause significant signs like drooling, vomiting, oral and esophageal ulcers and fever. The ingestion of this product as well as the dermal or ocular exposure to it can cause extensive damage to the eyes, mucus membranes and skin. Our toxicology experts evaluated the product and determined it doesn't contain ethylene glycol from antifreeze, and is appropriate to use in homes with pets. Can I still use OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover? I cant stand the smell of urine & vinegar throughout the apt. To fully optimize the stain removing abilities of OxiClean we recommend adding to the wash water in the drum not the bleach dispenser. It happened at night so by the time I saw, the urine was mostly dry, and by now must be entirely dry. That also means you should avoid using metal bowls or containers to mix or apply OxiClean to other things. The veterinarian will determine the method of treatment as he finds more information and the specifics of the poisoning. Unfinished wood decks can be cleaned with OxiClean. Your pet brings you lots of love and joy and lots of stains and odors! I have the Dawn and Hydrogen Peroxide. Peace Paws Mobile Dog Grooming. Protect yourself and your pet. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. If you suspect your pet has been exposed to any poisonous substances, contact your veterinarian or call APCC's hotline at (888) 426-4435 immediately. Miniscule amounts of the suspected antigens are injected under the skin in a particular pattern so that a localized reaction can be induced. #MyOxiClean is about real people sharing their cleaning tips and tricks. It's the answer to almost every stain-fighting need you have. Pets who have ingested a small amount of color-safe bleach will usually vomit a few times and then return to normal. OxiClean can be mixed and sprayed for certain cleaning applications, but dont keep the solution around. Spot test in an inconspicuous place first. Lets face it: if you have pets, theyre going to have accidents no matter how well-trained. The long-term side-effects can contribute serious disorders such as diabetes and liver dysfunction, so concurrent monitoring of the blood chemistry levels may be required. If the irritation is limited to the skin, give your dog a long bath with lots of water and a little bit of dog shampoo or mild dishwashing soap, Hovda says. If you have a wet/dry vac, use it now to suction away the remaining moisture. Can I clean my coffeemaker with OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover? However, cats with underlying respiratory issues may be more sensitive to strong fragrances, especially if used in a poorly ventilated area. This post may contain affiliate links. Repeat steps 2-3 until stain is not visible. MORE QUESTIONS Product Details OxiClean Max Force Foam Laundry Stain Remover How does OxiClean Max Force Foam Laundry Stain Remover differ from OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover? Once the veterinarian learns more about with the dog may have ingested, or definitely swallowed, he will begin acting immediately. Elsa. Essential OilsCats are especially sensitive to essential oils, and effects such as gastrointestinal upset, central nervous system depression and even liver damage could occur if ingested in significant quantities. Fill the washing machine with water. For most of these cases, the symptoms should subside 30 to 45 minutes after treatment, Hovda says. More information available at checkout. Put on rubber gloves and safety glasses. Certain mosquito repellents that are made for human beings contain DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide). Can I still use OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover Free on my clothes, carpets, and laundry etc.? While some commercial products claim to get rid of this scent, I prefer the all-natural method: spray it with a 50-50 mix of warm water and white vinegar and let it dry. she barfed brown globs on a new light gray wool carpet and I picked up the bulk but it left two dark brown stains on the rug. Like if your dog rummages through the trash, for instance, and eats something that upsets her stomach. Not to mention the no-fun ones like ink, blood, and down and dirty grease. Lift the towel, find a clean place on it and repeat the step above until the stain disappears. If they do not, its best to consult your vet who can evaluate your pets condition and, if necessary, prescribe medications to relieve discomfort and help the lining of the gastrointestinal tract heal. An internet rumor once alleged that these products contained anti-freeze and were responsible for the death of a dog. It's a powdered cleaner made with oxygen-based, non-chlorine, color-safe cleaning ingredients and specially formulated odor neutralizers to get rid of stubborn smells-even musty, wet dog odors-and stains from any washable fabric around your home. Apply using a cloth, sponge, brush, or by pouring solution directly onto surface. Depending on the circumstances of exposure, large enough doses of bismuth salicylate could cause effects similar to aspirin poisoning. What is the shelf life for OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover in dry form? Rinse with clean water and blot until dry. Are you meaning liquid or powder oxiclean? Step Four: After the area is entirely dry, vacuum the spot thoroughly. Can you help me out. We strongly advise owners to never give their pets any medication without first consulting with their regular veterinarian. Household Products Expand to read more Human Medications and Cosmetics Expand to read more Other Ways to Help: Become a Monthly Member Fundraise with Team ASPCA Join the Mobile Action Team I have laminate and tile flooring. It did nothing. Many drugs, including aspirin, can cause serious or potentially life-threatening problems, depending on the dose involved. How does OxiClean Max Force Foam Laundry Stain Remover differ from OxiClean Laundry Stain Remover? She's been writing professionally for twenty years and she loves lifestyle photography, memory keeping, gardening, reading, and going to the beach with her husband and children. Why must I spot test before using OxiClean Max Force Foam Laundry Stain Remover ? Often the liquid is flavored, making the product more appealing. OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover Powder for Pets, 7.22 lbs. Allergies to laundry detergent are caused by the inappropriately aggressive response of the immune system to a protein within that specific detergent. We give him Benadryl so we did (we gave him tab and 1/2 Of 25mg tabs). If you have a shop vac, even better: just vacuum the area until its dry. OxiClean has stain solutions to get all kinds of stains out of carpet and clothing, even old, set-in ones: OxiClean Odor Blasters is safe for colorfast fabrics and carpets throughout your home. Can I use OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover to clean the inside of my dishwasher? Thank you! I hope that he is feeling better and that allergic reaction has resolved. Use up to a full scoop per gallon of water and stir to dissolve into a solution. Fill the scoop to line A per 16 Oz of water. Grapeseed Oil Although we have talked about the safety risks that grapes can pose to pets, we have no data indicating risks from exposure to grapeseed extract or oil. He began getting hives. How to use homemade OxiClean on hard surfaces like floors. Better to go with a product like Whink Rust Stain Remover to clean rust from metals and rust stains from fabrics. If the soap also contains essential oils (such as lavender, for example), it is possible that minor central nervous system depression could occur, depending on the concentration of oils and other circumstances of exposure. Some ingredients found in creams and ointments can cause serious, even life threatening, clinical signs. It is also available on Amazon. How do I use it in my front-loading washing machine? Solid residue from carpet immediately and blot up excess moisture. Vomiting is less common in these cases, but for the Labrador-type pets who consume a lot, it may come back up. These developments are often dose dependent, so the lowest effective dose of corticosteroid should always be employed. If your pet has a urinary tract infection or is dehydrated, the urine color may be particularly dark. Terms & Conditions / Privacy Policy, 2023American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Have you looked into setting down piddle pads? You will have best results when used with warm/hot water or when you pre-dissolve in hot water to use with cold water. Will OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover hurt my outside plants? Can I use OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover to freshen my disposal? PetCoach, LLC is a licensed insurance producer, not an insurer, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Petco Animal Supplies, Inc. Which solution would work best? Submerge items in solution. Looking for info on how to remove tough odors like pet or cat urine from clothes or carpets? Never fear. The powder must remain dry. A small amount of laundry detergent that was ingested will have a completely different mode of treatment than a large amount ingested. "Labradors, however, might down the entire bucket." Works on carpets, upholstery and nearly any surface in your home. Many products are available to help you clean up after your pets, including OxiClean. Thank you! I apologize for the delay, this venue is not set up for urgent emails. Do I use OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover Free in the same way as OxiClean Versatile? For either mixture, its best if you do a spot test in an inconspicuous area just to make sure your carpet wont fade. If a small amount is inhaled, minor respiratory irritation may occur, resulting in sneezing, coughing, or a runny nose. It is very important to not induce any vomiting if you suspect or are definite that your dog has ingested detergent. Its also available on Amazon heres an affiliate link to help you locate it: http://amzn.to/2jPz9Zt, My fur-baby & I need to bond & not worry about peeing issues. It is also toxic for them if they ingest it and will make them vomit as the chemicals present in OxiClean are not suitable for their body. Put the solution in a squeeze bottle, bowl or measuring cup. Oxygen is released, and targets the stains, rather than the fabric, removing many tough stains on clothing, carpet, and other water washable surfaces. "The majority of cases are regular household bleach, which is an irritant but not a corrosive agent." Allergic reactions to laundry detergent can be caused by contact with laundered bedding, dog backpacks or clothing, or by contact with clothing worn by you. He pooped which had solid forms mixed with liquid that contained a small amount of blood I took him for a walk he was not pulling which he normally does and he pooped very runny and it contained bright red blood. Please refer to product packaging for specific stain removal instructions. Scrub as needed. Methods such as adding baking soda to the final rinse or running a second rinse may be used to assist in the removal of excess detergent residues. Is OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover a laundry detergent? Many allergies in dogs have similar symptoms, and your veterinarians guidance should be sought for a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan. Thank goodness for #MyOxiClean products or Id have one sad boy and one stinky tiger!. Certain breath strips contain menthol, which can be irritating to the tissues of the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract. OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover Powder harnesses the power of oxygen to get out tough dirt, persistent spots and set-in stains. Please consult your veterinarian immediately if your pet has ingested one of these medications. My newish Ikea couch has been christened with cat pee. Thks for your solution in advance. This can be a synthetic or naturally occurring protein that stimulates the mast cells to release histamine. Do not allow the solution to dry on the fabric or carpet. Always read the label so you know which ingredients are included. Other cases involving ultra-concentrated bleach can more serious, Hovda says. However, not all clothing is colorfast. I am so, so grateful. Protect yourself and your pet. The dog will have several different symptoms depending on the detergent ingested, as well as the amount ingested. Its one with a removable cover, so that has been laundered with Oxiclean and seems fine. How to Get Rid of Pantry Moths and Keep Them Away. Wipe down the inside of dishwasher and then run a rinse cycle in the empty dishwasher. If the irritation is limited to the skin, give your dog a long bath with lots of water and a little bit of dog shampoo or mild dishwashing soap, Hovda says. Hi my dogs have used the bathroom on my tanish brown living room carpet ive tried steam cleaning it and everything ive used almost every cleaner i can find and they never work is there anything you reccomend? OxiClean offers a wide array of products to fit all your stain removal needs. Like the aforementioned mustard and tomato stains, I've also had success with every other stain I've encountered. Let the baking soda dry in place. Keep bleach away from your pets. Soak 1-6 hours. I have softened water in my home. When used as directed, its oxygen-based water-activated formula safely gets tough dirt and grime out of clothes, carpets and nearly any surface in your home. Dangers Owning pets means needing to deal with the occasional stain. Refer to package for HE dosage instruction, and note front-loading washing machine directions below. Rinse with clean water and blot until dry. Anionic detergents, such as dish soap, dishwashing detergents, and shampoos, Cationic detergents, including disinfectants, fabric softeners, and sanitizing agents, Nonionic detergents, such as shampoos, dishwashing detergents, and laundry detergents. Hovda says you may also notice your pet pawing at her mouth or in other ways acting abnormally. OxiClean is toxic to dogs, cats, and other pets because it cannot be used to wash or bathe dogs, cats, or any other pets. A vet-recommended flea prevention product will likely be more effective and safe. Toilet Cleaning Tablets Most toilet bowl cleaning tablets would not be expected to cause problems beyond minor stomach upset, should a dog take a drink of the diluted water in the toilet bowl. Skin allergies caused by exposure to laundry detergent are a result of an inappropriately aggressive response of specialized immune cells known as mast cells to a protein in the detergent. Weve got answers to your questions plus ways to use OxiClean products to tackle almost any problem. Rinse carpet with clean water and blot until dry. If you feel that your dog needs pain relief for any reason, we highly recommend that you get in touch with your veterinarianif you have not alreadyso that your dog can be evaluated. Some may work better for individual allergies than others. There is a small risk of aspiration pneumonia if the pet inhales some of the product. These include heavy drooling (especially in cats) and redness and irritation on the skin and in and around the mouth. Best of luck! What is OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover? Insurance plans are marketed and offered by PetCoach, LLC. This is so that a microscopic evaluation of the skin cells, called cutaneous cytology, can be completed in order to search for problems like mites or yeast infections. A thorough history of your canines health and a timeline of symptoms can be extremely beneficial to an accurate diagnosis. The detergent and OxiClean will mix while the water fills the machine. If you dilute the bleach with water before using it to clean, you may prevent the worst possible poisoning. Quite often a simple switch in the type of laundry detergent is enough to ease the allergic response. I havent heard of that one and will give it a try. Click here for all terms and conditions. And then your dog chases your cats across the kitchen tile floor, then through the carpeted living room, and then onto your bed. Im not concerned about stains but about odors and general cleanliness, and I have chemical sensitivities so the pet stain cleaner that was recommended to me is not usable. Color-safe bleach generally causes vomiting, and if it has a high concentration, blood might appear, Wismer says. From 49 quotes ranging from $300 - $2,000. Rinse your fabric or surface with clean water, then try another OxiClean soak and see if the stain improves. According to the product page on Amazon: Do not store solutions for more than 6 hours, as the pressure can build up and the container may rupture, causing injury.. Febreze Contrary to rumors alleging that Febreze causes serious illness or death in pets, our veterinary toxicology experts at APCC regard Febreze fabric freshener products to be safe for use in households with pets. This is easier for dogs, who usually eat and drink anything you put in front of them, than it is for cats. Id recommend Natures Miracle. Morristown, NJ). ARM & HAMMER Liquid Laundry Detergents are available in several varieties, including: Regular, Plus OxiClean, Plus OxiClean Odor Blasters, Free of Perfumes and Dyes, Sensitive Skin plus Skin-Friendly Scent, Clean Scentsations, Detergent Plus A Touch Of Fabric Softener and with Color-Safe Bleach Alternative. Step Two: Next, youll need to treat the stain. Do you think it will be safe for this type of sofa and stain? (If you have a carpet shampooer or wet vac, you can speed this process along since the machines suction will help pull any remaining stain from the padding.). If neither antihistamines or topical hydrocortisone are successful in reducing the allergy-related symptoms, then corticosteroid injections or oral tablets may be warranted. Allergies to laundry detergent can manifest anywhere on the body, although reactions from skin allergies are often centered around the the face and groin, as well as under the front legs and between the toes. Detergent poisoning in dogs is the result of a dog ingesting detergent, or other household cleaners, at a quantity where it becomes toxic. Add 1/2 tablespoon of your detergent to the water the machine fills up. Will OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover fade my colored clothing? Remove any excess dirt from the area before treating, such as mud, vomit, poop, grass or hair. Squirt it on, or use a clean cloth or sponge to dab directly on stain. thanks for the info. Giving your dog or cat a small bowl of milk can also encourage himto drink and help neutralize any bleach that is still present. Following the instructions that are given regarding oral and topical medication, including bathing requirements or dietary restrictions, should be followed faithfully and may need to be continued even after the symptoms are no longer apparent. However, overdosing can result in medical conditions ranging from gastrointestinal upset to liver failure. That means laundry, beddings, towels, pillows, carpets, upholstery, and even car seats! Message and data rates may apply. Blot the stained or soiled area with a clean, dry, white towel. Manufacturers normally have very specific cleaning directions. If she continues to have these issues, it would be best to see your vet. Step One: If the vomit is fresh, scoop it away. Get peer reviews and client ratings averaging 4.4 of 5.0. 6. (They were in my teenage daughters room, and we never go in there.) This means the symptoms can sometimes be treated by you at home relatively quickly and painlessly. My question is about the inner cushions, which are too large to be machine washed: what can I do/use to clean the urine that seeped into them? Oxygen-based, water-activated formula gets out tough dirt, persistent spots and set-in stains. While OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover is not a laundry detergent, you can use it WITH detergent to boost your detergent's cleaning power. With five children, Shifrah is learning a thing or two about how to keep a fairly organized and pretty clean house with a grateful heart in a way that leaves plenty of time for the people who matter most. For stains that have dried and set in, youll need an extra step. Thanks in advance. Next, grab a scrub brush and work it in, then take a damp cloth and dab at the spot to transfer as much of the stain from the carpet to your cloth. Remove excess stains before treating. Boost your detergent to the tissues of the product more appealing similar to aspirin poisoning brings! About real people sharing their cleaning tips and tricks urine from clothes or?. To remove tough odors like pet or cat a small amount is inhaled minor... Laundered with OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover and ointments can cause serious, even better: just vacuum the area entirely! In a poorly ventilated area the cleaning suggestions need to treat the Stain dry... From the area until its dry, White towel says you may also notice pet... Remover Free has all the great power of oxygen to get out tough dirt, spots. The power of oxygen to get out tough dirt, persistent spots and set-in stains beings! But not a corrosive agent. to laundry detergent that was ingested will have different... 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