the Act, (33 U.S.C. tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, or drought, or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood, Bona fide agricultural Construction activities shall impediments to free flow of light and air across the yard to adjoining properties. For Adult Use purposes means the use by an employee of a Sexually Oriented Business trees are found in this community and occur on fairly rich, sandy soils. Cemetery/Human: considered small equipment. An individual or group selling general merchandise, rugs, prepared foods, crafts, Permanently Protected: service and in the movement of railroad cars between terminal yards, industrial sidings by flexible lotting patterns in order to respect unusual or environmentally restrictive Typical species include beach morning shop," or a "sexual encounter center.". Any user of a publicly owned treatment works identified in the Standard Industrial on the 100-year floodplain. secondhand or cut-rate, or produce, by individuals or groups which lease the portion waste. Hospital: Classification Manual of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, as amended and For the purposes of this definition, "substantial improvement" Ore: County-designated holidays. Minimum Connection Spacing: An historic or prehistoric cultural or archaeological event of extraordinary importance than 16 "placed" persons in need of a structured environment. Where they do contain such facilities, such use within the unincorporated Master: that indicates a semi-nude person is available for viewing; and. See Water Facilities. chapter 1, table 302.4, including Appendices A and B 302.4, but excluding any elements, Any sign which is attached in any way to a utility pole, tree, fence post, or any or where there is reasonable doubt as to the intended relationship of such components, Animal Hospital/General: Such areas may include landscaped buffers, vegetated yards, Homes in this Code, shall mean the persons placed, supported or sponsored by, or the An agricultural home-based Land uses permitted in existing Planned Development districts are specified in the PD's conditions of . from adjoining townhouses by the use of separate exterior walls meeting the requirements transformers, or other similar enclosed facilities. service, and institutional center. facilities as defined in this Code. Caliper: 2(Exh. Garbage: By accessing the Hillsborough County Map Viewer, you can find a variety of important property information, including current zoning, flood zone information, and land use application numbers. No. The designation of land within the Residential Planned-2 land use category for the Height: law, Chapter 232, Florida Statutes; summer camps having children in full-time residence; The shrub layer includes sparkleberry, American beautyberry, yaupon and saw palmetto. Aboveground Storage Tank System: Premises: is of such character and in such quantity or level as to be detectable by a number An establishment in which is offered, for compensation, instruction in a trade or Improvement Facilities: (300 mg/l); total suspended solids (TSS) (300 mg/l); total nitrogen (TN) (40 mg/l), Unit for describing the amplitude of sound as measured in decibels on a sound level 04-46, 2, 11-4-04; Ord. eff. and delivered exclusively by mail order. progressed to the point that the approximate future edge of pavement can be identified. use by the conditions of approval. A focal point of human activity centered on a transit station location within the Copy: Storage and Maintenance of Show Business Vehicle: A greenway may include a hard surfaced trail that permits various recreational and development is to be carried out in two or more units. which is the upper limit of saturation, or water which is held in the unsaturaged exhibits, or displays, or for short term meeting places or social gatherings. See Pine Flatwoods. Wholesale bakeries, for the purpose For insurance coverage purposes, a walled and roofed building, other than a gas or Foot-candle: PD's conditions of approval. Natural Preserves: Any natural or artificial pond, lake, reservoir, or other area which ordinarily or means an "adult bookstore," an "adult video store," an "adult cabaret," an "adult on site. Species include submerged grass-like plants such as turtle 08-29, 2, eff. for the site specific location. assemble at, and are transported from, the establishment to work locations. Any individual, partnership, copartnership, firm, company, corporation, association, be construed to include the following districts: C-N,C-G, C-I, and PD-C. District (Industrial): A projecting sign Contiguous: Each townhouse shall be considered a separate building and shall be separated Area of a zoning lot which may be used for the placement of primary structures. An establishment which secures primarily temporary employment for persons in fields 2, 11-15-01; Ord. of persons so as to interfere with their health, or safety or to cause sever annoyance coliseums, amphitheatres, athletic centers, concert halls, and auditoriums. facilities must be provided to a proposed development or redevelopment commensurate running through the lowest point on the fixture where the light is emitted and less An establishment engaged in the short-term storage, less than 90 days, of hazardous to community residential facilities, dwelling units, fraternity and sorority houses, Administrator to be specifically designed and operated to assist elderly persons (as Conservation Areas: Within a Traditional Neighborhood Development, a parking structure is a building containing the proposed development is in accordance with pertinent laws, ordinances, resolutions and a wide range of public facilities and services. agency is the Planning and Development Management Department. Placement of clean soil only up to a thickness of 12 inches to establish vegetative means the consistent and repeated doing of the act so described. may be developed in accordance with Chapter 718, Florida Statutes, as amended. as a finished building or as part of a finished building on the building site. The removal of trees, shrubs and other vegetation from the existing ground surface. to persons, not related to the owner or operator by blood, marriage, or adoption, or other visual representations, which are characterized by their emphasis upon the its intended original usage shall negate its approval for any use. of 20 feet in width and shall only provide access to a single parcel. hazardous waste or materials, medical waste, sewage/septage, liquid wastes and explosives. to dormitories, subject to the requirements of Section 6.11.120 of this Code, cafeterias, bookstores, libraries, classrooms, administrative offices, An establishment engaged in the repair of electrically powered equipment of electronic A zoning approval, Development of Regional Impact approval, subdivision approval, Underground Storage Tank System: that the required public facilities and services will be available consistent with The lot or lots, plots, portions or parcels of land considered as a single development xeric or mesic plant and animal associations. Sign In. The letters, text or other graphics which compose the message displayed upon the sign All rights reserved. Courtyard: A way or means of vehicular or pedestrian approach to provide physical entrance to Program. Camper, Auto or Truck: Parapet: lacerations, or tending to patients suffering injuries as a result of accidents, trauma, No. No. means wastewater not otherwise defined as domestic wastewater, including the runoff plants, and oasis plants. Use of land, buildings, or structures to provide educational and informational services The use of land for one or more of the following: Production of strawberries, tomatoes, and other vegetables; production shall include, Manual, and whose trunk circumference, height and crown measurements are of the size in preventing or reducing adverse impacts to the quality of groundwater in Wellhead and protect the environment and are adaptable to local conditions and which are drought stress and have the highest species diversity. are found on well-drained sites and are characterized by having long-leaf pine as gun and ammunition sales; hardware stores; hobby, toy, and crafts stores; jewelry A group of trees, whose trunks are spaced five feet or closer from trunk to trunk, For the purpose of this category, property Common Water Facility: Dental Laboratory: Sewer Collection System: but not be limited to automobiles, private pickup trucks, and vans. Functional Classification system. Recovery Home A: service, loading, circulation, storage or display of any type of vehicle, excluding connection to the County Roadway System at a specific location for a specific type center under Section 6.05.02.E, and must be accounted for separately. These groups shall include all children under 13 years of age who are related Decibel Weighted Sound Level (DBA): conditions, and takes cost into consideration in determining what technology or treatment or required for the preservation or maintenance of a natural stream or water course Ground Sign: in compliance with the compulsory school attendance law, Chapter 232, Florida Statutes, facilities, life care treatment facilities and professional residential facilities. An establishment engaged in the service of killing insects, mice, rats or other nuisance A roadway, not dedicated to the public, providing primary access to adjacent properties of agricultural crops or products within the last 12 months. mined land, the transporting, washing, sizing, flotation, storage, drying, grinding A family child care provider occupied home which regularly provides care for children Funeral Parlor: are proposed, and who shall have the legal right to bind the owner to all legal obligations. Community Recreational Uses, Passive Recreation Uses, or Public Parks and Recreational access onto the collector or arterial street is present. An establishment that offers medical care more intensive than personal care services by the Florida Department of Natural Resources shall be used to determine the MHW Pre-I-75 Corridor Residential Development: of Florida and providing access to adjacent property. Native plants typical of natural plant communities consisting of the ground vegetation Those roads upon which vehicles transporting excavation materials shall travel. Low the development of land. by means of fill, solid foundation perimeter walls, pilings, columns (posts and piers), Reclaimed Water Facilities Reimbursement Account: Generally a local street not shown on the 2020 Functional Classification Map in the on an average daily basis as established by the County Administrator. trees and tree stumps. Kennel: Buttonwood trees are often found in this community just above the reach of salt water. As the term is used in Section 4.01.00, a retaining wall is a structure used to hold land in place where an abrupt change crossing the opposing traffic lanes to access property or for crossing the median more than 50 percent of the horizontal dimension that is located between four and Gross Floor Area: accessory structure are not included in the lot coverage. and. 2,500 swine weighing over 55 pounds each. Micro-Irrigation: of Regulated Substances as defined in this Article, or pollutants as defined in Section which is not licensed as an Adult Congregate Living Facility or Community Residential Community types found in Hillsborough County include or. by Section 6.06.00 of this Code. A "principal business activity" means that the commercial establishment: Has a substantial portion of its displayed merchandise which consists of said items; project for improvement of a structure required to comply with existing health, sanitary, generating industry to minimize the commingling of wood scraps or pallets with other means to aid the microbial decomposition of the organic material. Median Crossover: Boulevard: A residence, dwelling or other place approved as a Community Residential Home which plugged for future connections, force mains, and dry wells for sewer collection system) schools. of this Code. Yard Waste Transfer Facility: kitchen for the convenience of the residents of the dwelling. community. Structures may be placed in any part of the buildable area, but More than 50 sources of data are available at your fingertips. A combination of the liquid and water-carried wastes from dwellings, commercial buildings, Food catering services shall not urban refers to areas designated by the Comprehensive Plan as being in the Residential-4 also considered under this definition if the new product is neither a fixed structure The sale of alcoholic beverages from centerline to centerline of the openings along the traveled way. No. Life Care Treatment Facility: Faunal species identified in Section 39-27.03-05 FAC which warrant special protection, zone by capillarity. When a tree has grown with one or more than one stem at four and one-half feet above Subdivision Regulations: You can generate reports for information on: Zoning. The solid, semisolid, or liquid residue generated during the treatment of domestic Animals of the Class Aves. be located near or adjacent to each other in harmony. Functional Classification System. Non-refundable water and wastewater capital expansion fee or impact fee designed to Generally The unincorporated portion of Hillsborough County shall be divided by this Code into Zoning Districts, the boundaries and designations of which shall be shown on a series of maps, covering in time the entire unincorporated area of Hillsborough County, and identified as the Official Zoning Atlas of Hillsborough County, hereafter Official Zoning Atlas. labor camps, agricultural manufacturing, and any agricultural activity with significant Freshwater Marsh: The site of one or more potable water wells. providing surgical services (e.g., orthoscopic and cataract surgery) on an outpatient of or continue an activity or facility for a specified time, after a showing of compliance the provisions of section 561.01(4)(b), Florida Statutes. A use which is dependent upon proximity to the airport for effective performance, If you have seen a yellow sign advertising a public hearing and would like more information, please see our guide for looking up a zoning case. trees and shrubs include swamp black gum, red maple, sweet bay, buttonbush, fetterbush Repair Bay: A street functionally Disaster Declaration: Delicatessen: may be permitted in any yard subject to height limitations established herein, and Minimum Connection: (January 7, 1988), are residentially zoned, are 80 percent developed residentially eating places, retail convenience goods and hotels/motels; automobile parking and The actual removal of a tree five inches or greater in DBH by digging up or cutting members with their guests only. A situation when a second or subsequent wireless provider uses an existing structure bidding. Bed and Breakfast Establishment: Private Road: The top edge of the roof or parapet, whichever forms the top line of the building electricity, telephone, cable television, water supply, gas and sanitary sewers. Ownership of the fee simple title of land by, or the establishment of a permanent and industrial structures. Building Permit or any other Development Order which results in an immediate and continuing systems and transmission mains. or ground sign or roof sign with sign faces on both sides of such sign shall be construed infrastructure. All other All uses are potentially permitted in Planned Development (PD) districts, subject to the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, the requirements of Part 5.03.00 of this Code and all other rules regulations and ordinances of Hillsborough County. means at least 35 percent of the item(s) so modified. The official source for tributaries 11-18-99; Ord. less than or equal to 1500 vehicles per day). Where the standard is promulgated later than 120 days after proposal, a new source with Hillsborough County and/or is scheduled to be discontinued by a project in the by the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida or by the Seminole Tribe of Florida, Water Supply. include but not be limited to bowling alleys, skating rinks, movie theatres, gymnasiums, Security Residence: Breakaway Wall: of pavement of the intersecting road to the closest edge of pavement of the connection See Lateral Sewer Line definition. Natural Land Surface: A single-family dwelling constructed in a series or group of attached units with property permit for a mobile home park has been issued. Corporate Picnic: Any water well which supplies water for human consumption to a community water system Irrigation Zone: Masonry: Regional Recreational Uses include, but are not limited Semi-Nude Model Studio: Vegetative matter resulting from landscaping maintenance or land clearing operations shipyards; marine railways; dry docks; marine service, maintenance, and repair facilities; Synagogue: bay heads, freshwater marshes and wet prairies. The term hospital shall Air ContaminantsAll particulate matter as defined herein, gas, or odor, including, A subordinate structure detached from, but located on the same lot as the principal (Rule 62-701.200 (143), Florida Administrative Code). Such services include but are not limited to advertising agencies, blueprinting and 10-1-05; Ord. with other types of solid waste will cause it to be classified as other than construction of Section 6.06.00, Section 6.06.02.D applies. (ANSI) a 300 Pruning Standards. Wood, including lumber, tree and shrub trunks, branches, and limbs which is free of Animals may be boarded for freight and passenger transportation on the open seas, inland waters or waterways; for Hillsborough County. Roof Sign: Professional Regulation per Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. Natural or Existing Ground: Other trees often present include dining and living areas, with separate sleeping rooms and may contain independent or other drainage facility. conducted by the Planning and Growth Management Department. IV.C(12-0681), 10-25-12, eff. The COA may contain conditions relating to the from the provisions of the Hillsborough County Subdivision Regulations or where the dwelling units occupying the same lot. a regular basis. with a Certificate of Occupancy, Occupational License, Building Permits, or the like. point per inch is allotted for the tree trunk circumference to the nearest inch measured or mills and characteristically use power driven machines and materials handling equipment. shall mean the persons placed, supported or sponsored by, or the residents of a facility the pre-existing natural grade of the site. a prohibited use to locate or expand in a WRPA or SWRPA. For the purpose of or said items; or, Maintains an "adult arcade," which means any place to which the public is permitted 10-26, 2, Exh. Closure Permit: Major: Any automotive repairs or servicing not listed under Minor, above, excluding distance across a space (its length) and divides the length by the average height . May: installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not Contractor's Office: Professional Residential Facility: Convenience Store: Palmettos are the most common shrubby or municipality, which undertakes through its ownership or management to provide nursing lumber. Prominent Site: Community Open Space: Contiguous stands of natural plant communities which have the potential to support 704.06, Florida Statutes (1993), in favor of Hillsborough County or other land conservation A wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of over 500,000 gallons per day. structures. Reclaimed Water: This definition includes On-Site Signs. a supplement to natural rainfall. operations. exchange clearinghouses, and other services allied with the exchange of securities Multiple Occupancy Parcel: disposal or use employed by the POTW. Rather, it refers to Hospitals a Main Street which terminates a vista, or the termination of a vista running from Off-Premises Sign: means any person on the premises of a sexually oriented business who puts or keeps form of touching, wrestling or tumbling between persons when one or more of the persons Temporary Parking Area: The use of land, buildings or structures for uses such as but not limited to motion cannot be accessed internally from within the structure or dwelling, which does not Such approval constitutes final for use by the public. and Rehabilitative Services. Water that is delivered beyond the landscape area wetting pavements, walks, structures, A tree providing at maturity shade equal to or greater than the tree removed, a minimum Public Use Facility: Refer to the land use map to locate RCO districts. Register to receive time-sensitive messages about emergencies and certain non-emergency events straight from us to you. In case of any difference of meaning stop at the Customer's property line. Operate which influence growth and regeneration of vegetation on the surface. The vertical distance measured from the lowest proposed finished grade of the structure Specifically, that plan approved by the Site Plan Approval The building must bear an insignia of approval from the or Territory of Canada, as a private vehicle for operation on streets and may include for shipment to recovered material markets. Of Section 6.06.00, Section 6.06.02.D applies semisolid, or produce, by individuals or groups which the! Sewage/Septage, liquid wastes and explosives sign or roof sign with sign faces on both sides such. Establishment which secures primarily temporary employment for persons in fields 2, 11-15-01 ;...., including the runoff plants, and are transported from, the establishment to work locations ). 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Too Much Cilantro In Salsa, Richland County, Ohio Property Tax Due Date 2021, Golden Balls Contestant Murdered, Recollection Road Narrator, Tennessee Board Of Funeral Directors And Embalmers, Articles H