& the National Mini Rex Rabbit Club We are a very small operation. The Nerds Herd Our stock includes Tri, harlequin, Magpie, broken black, broken blue, broken castor, castor, Rew, blue otter, and black. My name is Clemens Werner and I raise pedigreed New Zealand white, red and broken red Show quality rabbits from show winning blood lines. My rabbitry is located in southern MO about 1.5 hours south east of Springfield MO. Can form unrelated pairs and trios. I am a small size rabbitry specializing in show-quality Netherland Dwarfs. Small down town hobby rabbitry. We take these steps of improvement to offer our customers the best Mini Rex rabbits available. We are located on the Edge of the Mark Twain Forest in Douglas County in Southern Missouri Double B Rabbitry Jackrabbits may not be taken at any time. Binky Bunnies Rabbitry 4. solid & broken., Oleva Riley Mini Rex This Breeders Directory is composed of members in good standing of the National Federation of Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders, based on annual Dues and Membership being paid and current. Faucett, Missouri Proudly helping you connect with rabbit breeders in the great state of Missouri and find rabbits for sale. I have blues, broken blues, blacks, broken blacks, a broken lilac doe that throws lilacs once in a while, and a blue eyed white pair. We currently have 7 working does (3 more coming) and 3 bucks from both pedigree and non-pedigree lines. New Zealand Bucks and Does Born 25th 2013 Easter Special Mixed Does and Bucks for Sale.. read more, Find: Rabbits for Sale in Missouri | Post your Own Missouri Rabbit Classified. Ava, Missouri These are well known for being great mothers, throwing large litters and being heat tolerant as well. Pennsylvania State Rabbit Breeders Association We only raise Mini Rex Rabbits. We have both show and brood stock available several times throughout the year. New Zealand and New Zealand/Lionhead We also have a Facebook page,, Hope Eells We raise mini lops in chocolate, chinchilla, chestnut, black, and lilac colors and we raise standard Rex in blue fawn and black orange tri and harlequin. Gilliam, MO Fulton, Missouri Colors we raise Hollands Tort and broken tort. Higgins Hill Rabbitry & Farm. Would also be willing to trade if you had something that interested us. Flemish Giant Richmond, Missouri We celebrate each litter born and eagerly wait to discover their colors and personalities! I currently only have Mini Rex but I plan to add Lion Head, Dwarf Hotot, and Dutch and possibly Netherland Dwarf. We recommend defrosting slowly when preparing to cook the rabbit meat. Californian Pedigree Holland Lops Show and Pet Quality 7550 new hope lane fulton mo 65251, Amber and Jordan Jensen We ask for 100% of the payment to be made at pickup, because of the nature of this product we will ask for a $7 deposit per rabbit to reserve your order. New Zealand Reds and Broken Reds Mini rex chocolate, broken, tort, REW and working on chins. Though we also breed and raise recognized varieties of Castor, Red, Tri-Color, Black Otter, Blue Otter, Chocolate Otter, Lilac Otter, Black, Blue, Chocolate, and Lilac. I am currently selling breeding and meat rabbits. (573)680-8964, Halie Swillum We show in a 4 state area, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. My New Zealands, we are whites, blacks,: broken blacks, and others.. French Angora, English Angora Most are pedigreed. You can contact Me at or call me at (636-290-04050. Mini Rex All sales are final and pickup will take place at the Truman State University Farm. 1 417 771 1839, Riley Still State Fair. 1-417-234-7900, Jennifer Todd 14172805367, Rick Harvey Jake shows Hollands in Black tort., Everett Hayes Gower, Missouri Holland Lop Mommas Miracles (573)603-1573, Deanna Douglas We are hoping to up our production in Siamese. We are members of the ALBC and our daughter is a member of ARBA. Our rabbits are raised in a climate controlled building and are raised mainly for meat production. (636)675-6769, Guillaume Williams Im having some issues finding cheap meat rabbits for my ffa project I need help I have all the stuff for it I just need rabbits Wildwood, Missouri We began raising rabbits in the spring of 2014. Rolla, MO We have grown our rabbitry to the point where we are able to sell our rabbits more year around and are looking for people to buy them. And ive had her ever since. Holland Lops, French Lops, Lionheads, New Zealands, Californians Most of our rabbits are pedigreed and some are registered. Hi, we are a small rabbitry in Washington, MO, which is about an hour west of St. Louis. We have mostly New Zealand Whites but have recently purchased a trio of pedigree New Zealand Reds that look very promising. I also have a couple New Zealands that I mainly breed for a meat pen for my county fair. King City, Missouri We have been raising rabbits since January of 2019 and hope to continue for many more years! But for the meat production buyers all of our breeds throw 8-12 kits per litter with high birth weights to reach that always said impossible 8 week to yield 4.75-5 pounds New Zealand, California I am very close to where I want to be with my Chinchillas, and Im getting closer with the Tris. My mom used to raise rabbits fromwhen she was just alittle girl until she got married so she knows how to raise rabbits. Colors Available: Black, Brown, White, White&Beige Mix, Grey, Beige JsRabbits Columbia area, Missouri Popular Bluff, MO St. Clair Rabbitry Giant Angora HOME OF THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF FLEMISH GIANT RABBIT BREEDERS. We specialize in feindly show quality rabbits. All kits sold will be 8 weeks old. New Haven, Missouri Shes the most loving and free spirited thing ive ever seen! 4178800997, Megan Hendrickson Check out my website! Local member clubs through out the state KSRBA is a state club that takes in all of the KSRBA Local Clubs in Kansas. Fulton, MO Plato, Missouri English Angora Walnut Grove, Missouri Processed Rabbits Oh and when I got my website they spelt my web address wrong. 2013 MiniRex Nationals BOSV Red & BOSV Chin We have 2 breeding bucks and 4 breeding does. Harrisburg, Missouri (417)458-1468, Lynda Velten American White We breed 4H and pet quality Mini Rex in a variety of colors. (417)358-4022, The Frey Family For Flemish Giants we breed light grays, steel grays, whites, blacks, and blues. Treasured Acres Farm Rabbitry When they a little older i want to breed them and have babies. Holland Lop, Mini Lop, English Lop, Red New Zealand, Lionheads, Netherland Dwarf, Giant Chinchilla Jumping Js Rabbitry DUNNEGAN, Missouri Board Of Directors Meeting Date: March 5, 2023 Time: 11:30 A.M. Place: House Of Pizza Silver Fox Farmers Rabbitry & Hatchery Our estimated price per processed rabbit will be $17.50, this is an estimate since each item has a different weight. English Angora, Dutch (816)920-1674, Jessica Farmer We have been raising rabbits since 1994, went mainly to flemish giants in 1997 and have concentrated on them ever since. Thank you and have a very nice day. Kansas City, Missouri, Debra Cardin Werner Rabbitry All of our rabbits are pedigreed and we breed them to have rabbits that are as close to the ARBA standard of perfection. Everhart Acres Rabbitry Colors can be broken or unbroken. 573 705 0292 Velten Hoppers Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarfs, Dutch, and English Lops Silver Fox, New Zealand Whites and Mixes We keep as many as 10 fresh does at times, sometimes more sometimes less, sell breeding stock and fryers. My meat mixes are bred to produce as many colors as possible, and are differant sizes. I really only sell brood and show quality rabbits, at this point, and rarely sell pets. We raise rabbits for their excellent meat production and as an adorable hobby. I started raising Rabbits 16 years ago in Pennsylvania both as an educational experience for our 3 boys and as fertilizer for the garden. The prices range from $10 to $50 depending on what I have at the time Like a cloud!, Billie Seamon I hope you enjoyed this little history about me so hop on by and check us out ! We thank you for your purchase and/or support of A&T Rabbitry! St.Clair, Missouri 573-592-7602 Lion Heads, Mini Rex, Flemish Giants, Holland Lops, Netherland Dwarfs, Dwarf Hotots, Dutch, New Zealands, Californians (660)414-5922, Carl Belken, Kimberly Lovelace Mini Rex, Holland Lops You're sure to find our meetings both enjoyable and informational. We also keep show poultry. We specialize in commercial meat breeds. Indoor, insulated roof. Flemish Giants, Havanas, Satins, Mini Satins Jacksons Rabbitry Hello there! Quality is very important to us . Located in Central Missouri, we are a small family rabbitry raising Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarfs, Dutch and English Lops. Black Bird and Bunny At most, we charge $20 for a bunny, no more than that unless its a bred female. No pedigrees because they are just a piece of paper. My son started 4-H last year and was in rabbits. Be sure to check out raising rabbits article and resource page for information about Raising Rabbits in Missouri., DAVID SWITZNER Flemish Giant, American Chinchilla I raise show quality mini rex rabbits. The babies are intended for spinning and pet homes. New Zealands A small rabbitry located in Missouri focusing on raising quailty show rabbits. Located near Branson/Springfield, Missouri. I have pedigreed full-sized Satins, and meat mutts of varying breeds. Flemish Giants (573)230-5472, Amanda Blanchard They were born on June 4th, 2013. We have VM/VC lines, clean show lines, and the WE lines. Jefferson City, Missouri Grass Roots Rabbitry Yukon, Missouri We specialize in Holland lops. Happy Hoppers Rabbitry, Jason Estep We have 3 Silver Fox does, 2 New Zealand White does, 2 Silver Fox bucks, and 1 New Zealand Black buck as our breeding adults. Dutch, Mini Rex, & Harlequin Raymore , Missouri Second Chance Sisters Bungalow of Bunnies (816) 263-2332, Tammy Hagerman Great pride, care, and love is invested into the raising and care of my Holland Lops and Mini Plush Lops. (417)255-3514, Jessica Miner English Angora and Lionhead Flemish Giants We started out raising rabbits for 4H. I currently raise Tort, and Black. We started with Mini Rex in Sept 2008 & added Holland Lops in Feb 2010. Our rabbits have pedigrees and hope to have American whites available for show, pets, and meat rabbits available in the future. We mostly have rabbits for pets, FFA, and 4-H. Visit our website to see if we have any rabbits for sale or any in the nest boxes. Mini Lops, Mini Rex I got into them as a genetic challenge/ project to enjoy. Dutch and Holland Lops (660)723-3258, Marcy Ritchey Black River Rabbitry Volunteer times are Mondays through Thursday 6pm - 9pm, Tuesday through Thursday 9:30am to 11am, Fridays at 9:30am, 3:30pm, or 7pm, Saturdays between 10am - 4pm, and Sundays between 11am - 4pm. American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. PO Box 400 Knox, PA 16232 Phone: 814.297.8233 E-mail: They have nice clean pelts., Susan Muska Website: A&K Ranch. French Angora WARSAW, Missouri We show at many ARBA shows in the Midwest. My daughter and I raise and breed rabbits we have plenty of babies soon to come and that we have for sale in our rabbitry.We do not sell sick or injured rabbits and we check the rabbits each day 3 times or more.We are also working on a breed called the Plush lop.They have the rex coat of the Mini Rex and lopped ears of the Holland lop.They are a breed in progress though.We handle our babies daily and other rabbits as well so they all know human contact and are friendly. American Chinchilla, American Blue and White, New Zealand White Kansas City, Missouri We are always in search of better rabbits from top quality breeders to continually improve on the genetics of our rabbits. Princeton, Missouri Holland Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Californian Call Text or Email Flemish Giants Mini Lops Californian House Rabbit Society of Missouri is happy to announce that all rabbits adopted from us will have their RHDV2 vaccine. Holland Lop, Lionhead, French Lop, Mini Lop We are also members of ARBA and the Californian and Polish rabbit clubs. Rex & Mini Rex Hello I raise rex rabbits in a colony most does have pedigrees I sale my kits from $15 to $30 depending on colors and other factors. Please email me if you have any Satins or Mini Lops near Rolla. (515)408-8288, Rebecca Miller Facebook: A&K Ranch. Bunny Barn We sell New Zealand Whites, Reds,Blacks and Brokens for meat, show,pet and Therapy Rabbits. email and phone to remain the same Rabbits are a quick-breeding source of low-fat, high-protein meat and have long been enjoyed as a food by many people across the world. Brewer Farm Rabbitry El Dorado Springs, Missouri Cedar Springs Rabbitry Joplin, Missouri I will soon have pedigree lops but as of right now all I have is my breeder pair. 417-876-7399, Will and Christi Sutton Hope N Rick Love Bunnies PLEASANT HILL, Missouri BIG FEMALES 10 OVER LB 10.00 EACH Puxico, Missouri American Chinchilla Fully pedigreed, show quality. It is a really good fertilizer for your gardens and it doesnt burn the plants :-)! A Frosty Rabbitry Holland Lops, Flemish Giants, Bekka ODell Kansas State Rabbits Breeders Association Association dedicated to the promotion, development and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy industry and fancy in Kansas. We are a small rabbitry that focuses on quality show and meat pen rabbits. Thank you! New Zealand Hartless Rabbitry 5738376848, Melinda McClain In fact, not long ago, we were complemented for having the best kept rabbitry in town. Foley, MO (417)438-9625, Bob Hartless If the rabbit(s) of the buyers choice die(s) while in our care, a replacement will be offered if one is available. Dunnegan, Missouri Mini Rex The ARBA is headquartered in Knox, Pennsylvania in the United States. My rabbitry is located in beautiful Southeast Missouri. We are continually striving to improve the rex breed. HOLLAND LOPS AND LIONHEADS Owens Run Rabbitry These rabbits are handled daily to ensure pet quality. We are a small rabbitry that focuses on improving the quality of the breed. (816)258-9007, Kimberly Ireland at 12 weeks. I enjoy attending the shows and earning legs for my bunnies. I train them to be on a leash or potty train them if anybody wants them trained like that and if you want me too I can butcher them too. (636)266-9725, Suzan Brewer We have acquired our breeding stock from some of the top show breeders in the US. Osage Beach, Missouri To contact us you can call/text/email and we should respond immediately. Flemish Giants, New Zealands, Californians, New Zealand/Californian Crosses Lowry City, Missouri Californians, Lops, New Zealand Whites We hope you join us in building up these rare breeds of rabbits. (816)518-2479, Natalie Trout Mini Rex Work of Art Rabbitry We are working on clicker training now, and id like to do jumoing and hopping! Payments will be made through Venmo or cash payments. I have a small Rabbitry all I raise is My love able Flemish Giants. An adult rabbit can weigh up to 5.44kg (12lb) with a medium body, well-rounded haunches, short front legs and a bold head. Many of our rabbits are sold to pet owners and a few of our mini lops have become therapy rabbits. Hops Resources: For more information on buying and raising rabbits as pets, contact the American Rabbit Breeders Association Inc., P.O. . Containing a variety of colors. Hi my name is Peyton and I am the owner of a small rabbitry called milk Weed rabbitry we are located 20 minutes south of Kansas city in a small town called pleasant hill.I raise many different breeds including all of the rabbit breeds above and looking to expand shortly so if their is a specific breed or color that you would like just call or text (816)920-1674 and I will see what I can do.At the moment I have american chinchillas,new Zealand in all colors ,Californians,Havanas, mini rex in all colors and standard rex in different colors . Kansas City, MO Mini Rex- otter, black, blue, chocolate, lilac, broken Holland Lops, Mini Rex, and Netherland Dwarfs I have done so much research and I believe that is what she is. 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