Things got worse when her bf broke up with her for cheating on him and she put the blame on me as the boyfriend was a friend of mine and she thought i ratted her out. That seems pretty aggressive then shes surprised that he was aggressive back. Still, I'm sure there are plenty of folks, in-law or blood related, who simply don't like each other. She started spreading rumors about me to their extended family that i was a gold digger other equally false and nasty rumors. It takes time coming up with excuses and leaving your friends hanging at family gatherings just because your boyfriend doesnt want you around with his parents and siblings yet. I'd be too embarassed to get married and not bring anything to the table. Your bf dismisses ur feelings thoNot sure why that's not more of an issue? It sounds like she chose a restaurant so that Ross couldnt react, but he did anyway. His dad dislikes almost everyone in his life, including me. 7 years wasted is 7 years u can't get back. They made my relationship make more sense and now I feel much calmer and at ease with letting it unfold. :strawberry: chi. Did you like our article? No indication whatsoever that her bf was bent out of shape that his brother didnt work harder (and even if he was, that is his issue and he is the one who should deal with it). . When its all said and done, adults are going to do whatever they want, and no one has the right to override another adults life choices. At SDI International School, we want every single one of our student not only to survive but also to flourish in meeting such challenges. They are the ones that really matter here. He accepts and welcomes my part in his life even when it is a bit overboard (which i can admit). If he doesn't have your back the relationship will only get worse. He repeatedly says very hurtful things about me to my boyfriend or to the rest of his family. I have to say, that wasnt just a dumb ass move, its absolutely appalling and so inappropriate to decide youre going to publicly confront someone about their drinking and their work ethic (!!!!! Im very sorry you have to go through this. Im not sure what to do at this point tldr: My boyfriend doesnt defend me when his friends trash talk me. You can refer to the answers. my wife is always disappointed in me. For more information, please see our Instead of staying for long stretches, shorter visits might be good. I would brush it off but i cant help it if it hurts. Nah, she had no business confronting him. No one wants to be judged. Hes been trained by years of experience to be passive. Not your circus, not your monkeys. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. His sister is definitely a terrible person. It really upset me. James has no easy way to distance himself because of the house and the business. at 23 you arent ready to settle down anyway. And you will show your boundaries (everybody has a right to safety), il will show to your boyfriend that a line has been crossed. Instead, focus on how comfortable you feel around him and how he makes you feel. I didnt though. You call them out when they say racist, bigoted, hurtful things. He pushed me, threatened me, and verbally and emotionally abused me. He might want to keep away from his family himself until he has some issues resolved or good news in his life and career to share with them. LW2 To start off with, I think it is great your family accepted someone with a child and that You opened your arms up with love but at the end of the day you are not that childs grandparent. Your rivalry about their fraternity is unhealthy anyway, and they may be in their thirties, they are not mature. Copyright 2023 Dear Wendy. He feels like he owes it to her not to trash talk her to you; after all, she was part of his life at some point. Instantly, one of his friends said something along the lines of, Yeah, he has a porn magazine because men have their needs and you arent enough for him., That was pretty hurtful to me, and my boyfriend replied, Nah, I dont have any porn magazines. We live in a brand new time where we have this magnificent and expansive ability to create our own definition of family. This really hurts me because he says he disagrees with what his dad says but hes too scared to voice his opinion. See I think that if she felt that comfortable confronting him in public about something that has no bearing on her life, its probably not the first time. But eh. When you marry someone, you're marrying the whole family FOREVER. Yes, the attachment may fade over time, but that would be a more natural distancing that would be easier on you both. Hi, my (21f) boyfriend (23m) doesnt defend me in front of his friends. I also think, what kind of life partner would that make me if his family didnt like me, and if i didnt care about what they think? He might have a painful past or an unconventional family. This might be a bit of a different perspective, but I'd absolutely dump an SO who can't get along with my family or goes so far as to hate them. Love is not blood only. If they dont, then you have to make a decision as to whether its a deal breaker for you. Look at the news. If they choose to fix it, then good. Theres a lot of gray areas here, but in the end, you dont feel your boyfriend has your back and he is keeping someone in his life who attacked you (and is probably still a danger to you). What can I do? No one on here is saying in any way that Ross was correct in his behavior. I wouldn't tolerate a SO that told me they were in my side "by correcting" me. But in my defense, i only dont see eye to eye with the sister. Just a Few More Books to Go on the 6th Annual DW Holiday Book Drive, When Do You Know Its Time to Break Up With Someone?, My Daughter is Trying to Ruin My Relationship. Ive met people like this and they are annoying and self righteous AF. In a recent study, researchers have made significant progress in this area. Give him a chance to explain. Privacy Policy. I think the relationship is doomed and she just needs to MOA. I posted something on FB once and she thought it was about her brother (it wasnt) and she posted some smack in the comments. He repeatedly says very hurtful things about me to my boyfriend or to the rest of his family. Started October 30, 2022, By When people behave shitty it is the responsibility of everyone involved to say What you are doing is shitty. His reaction is so out of proportion to her comments. He might have areas of his life that you arent supposed to be part of it. December 1, 2017, 6:27 am. This is not difficult. He might be struggling and you have no idea how. Im sorry youre hurting, and that you will likely hurt for a little while. My boyfriend wants his friend, should we break up? Knowing that he has anger issues, why would she think it was OK to do that? He might not be serious about you at all. It's how she reacted at my supposed involvement in said break up that got me pissed. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. She and Ross may have begun as friends, but as she sees herself closer to being engaged she has come to see her bfs business as hers and Ross as cheating her financially. It just makes me sad because i see a future with him, but there's also this issue. Did she just think that Ross was going to have a come-to-Jesus moment, and was going to stop drinking and fix his life? Build a relationship with his parents. Go do it! So, yes, not the best way to broach the subject at all. Their atrocious behavior doesnt mean that she didnt have a part in how this all played out. Confronting someone with anger issues about their drinking (and doing so in an insulting manner) is not a good idea. Started February 13, By My boyfriend didn't say a word to the man while he was shouting at me. When I asked him why he didn't defend me, he said that it only would have escalated the situation, and he didn't want us to get kicked out as well. I'd be gone. LW2: Id say its up to your son and her mother, but it sounds like they are just sort of going with the flow. Theyve been together for three years. Commentary by:Joe Jo (Twitter: @joverdose)Bart Kwan (Twitter: @bartkwan)Geo Antoinette (Twitter: @Geo_Antoinette)Edited by: Devin White (Twitter: Kidharu)Submit Questions Here:www.askthefeels.comArtwork by Nina Faelnarillustrationsbynina.comIG: Other Channels:NEWS CHANNEL: CHANNEL: THE SCENES CHANNEL: CHANNEL: If your boyfriend is still living with his parents, he might not want to reveal his private life to them, or you. When people, even people you love, behave shitty you call them out. He might have aspects that he doesnt want to tell you about. But it can be hard with a sister who painted you in a bad way to the rest of the family and a boyfriend who is unwilling to help me let them see me in a different way by telling his sister to stop. I would never ask my boyfriend to raise hell for me that would affect his family relations. Not to try to save your relationship but to save James from Ross. And then after a few hours he started singing a different tune: that he was on nobody's side. SailBobo Sometimes i think it's thick of me to ask him to defend me because i'm just his girlfriend but the thought about being associated with his family for the rest of my life scares me. shouted at her and assaulted the truck. LW2- If the whole family is fine with the arrangement, please continue. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Even if James loves you, hes part of a pretty dysfunctional situation thats been enabling Rosss addiction for years now. Because i do care. fantasy writing program; birmingham michelin star A man might keep you from his family because they might not approve of you. What do i do? Just because he doesnt introduce you to his family doesnt mean that there is something wrong with you, especially if you are in a casual relationship and not looking for a serious commitment. Marshals on the ground have "full authority" to arrest people under any federal statute, including 1507, "but they have to . December 1, 2017, 8:45 pm. You will eventually become resentful and he will break your heart. Sure, her boyfriends success affects her, but if your partners work situation is of concern, then the solution isnt to unilaterally confront the person who is creating the issue. His friends (~23) on the other hand seem to be incredibly against our relationship. A man might keep you from his family because thats his own safe space. Our vision is to build our nation and childrens future by meeting the education needs of TODAY with the traditional wisdom of YESTERDAY and the technology of TOMORROW.Tomorrows citizens will have to be able to survive in a much more challenging and fast-paced environment. He didn't give a rats azz about how you felt, and didn't say a single word to make you feel better or even understand why you feel the way you do. I feel like Ive put up with it for as long as I can. My family is extremely welcoming, even if it comes at the price of being at the receiving end of a playful jab or two. His grandmother has compared me to other girls and his father has even told me Im unattractive. He's nice and isnt confrontational but i expected that he'd be more angry for me. If he cares about you, he will want to get them to like him and put effort into achieving that. Yeah i can get that. If a word looks misspelled, then correct it and try it again. Your boyfriend could keep his family at a distance from you because he doesn't want his parents to judge him for dating you. You can talk to your partner about it and express concern. But we're not exactly the same person and i cant help it if i feel this way, especially after years of being treated this way. Its heart breaking, Im sure, but you have to look out for yourself here. This makes me mad. Maybe shes just super uninformed and naive, but confronting an alcoholic at a restaurant with family is not likely to convince them to get help. 4.What to Do When Your Boyfriend Doesn't Stand Up for You; 5.When Your Partner Doesn't Defend You, It Can Harm Your - Bustle; 6.When Your Partner Doesn't Defend You Around Others - YouTube; 7.Boyfriend needs to stand up for girlfriend to his parents; 8.When it comes to his family/friends, Should your husband defend 9.When Your . I wouldnt say that i wouldnt want to be around the parents specifically. But at the very least spoken with your boyfriend in private about what he thinks about his brothers drinking Instead you caused a public scene and later got one in return. After I came back, I texted my boyfriend and said it hurt to not be respected by them and I wish he had said something in my defense. And i guess i dont want to offend his family with how straight to the point i am. Lets jump right in: Your boyfriend might be hiding you from his family because hes not over his ex. ), Autumnrose When your boyfriend excludes you from his life, the facts aren't on his side, but give him a chance to explain. Talking to her myself will probably like talking to a brick wall. I really do want to establish a better relationship with his family. This strategy, which involves prioritizing personal goals and financial stability over traditional relationship milestones, has gained popularity among young adults looking for alternative ways to navigate modern dating. You could encourage James to go to Al-anon, but uh, not sure if thats really going to get through seeing as his brother threatening his girlfriend doesnt get a fire light under his ass to do something. Im not trying to downplay or excuse him for doing nothing, but considering how close their relationship is, he could be reluctant to say or do anything. Ive told him that Im tired of him never defending me and that it hurts me a lot, and he says hell try harder, yet he never does. However, if you cant live with the uncertainty,I recommend speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source. I wouldn't want to waste more time with someone who doesn't have my back. Theres no excuse for someone behaving like Ross did. and if they did i wouldnt hesitate to stand up for my boyfriend. (Move The Fuck On. Dont feel hurt if he doesnt introduce you to his family or friends. November 30, 2017, 4:47 pm. Feeling down or depressed is a common experience for many people at some point in their lives. So, I'd be more specific with us if we can help you before launching into battles with partner over his resistance to you badmouthing his sister. Started February 24, By And it hurts. Like me on Facebook to see more articles like this in your feed. Now I also have no idea what the issues you are having with his family. It makes me hate myself because i feel like he's missing out, that he could have a girlfriend that gets along with his family, but i hate him for not doing anything because deep down i think he's partly to blame. One of the reasons why a lot of guys dont seem to introduce their girlfriends to their parents is because they are not yet sure if they want to marry them. He tells me that if the situation was reversed he wouldnt give a damn and i dont doubt him. I've been trying really really hard to ignore what she's doing. I didnt but now i wish i did had i known that inaction on my part would still lead to this. Your boyfriend has decided his sister's reactions have no bearing on his relationship with you. I cant wrap my head around how he thinks this is ok. That this is healthy. You have no idea whats really going on until he tells you. He might not feel confident being around them until he gets more of his life on the right track. A man might keep you from his family because he is embarrassed by you. Skyblossom November 30, 2017, 1:22 pm. We seek posts from users who have specific and personal relationship quandaries that other redditors can help them try to solve. Thats what she was doing here. I love his parents. It doesnt matter whether you agree with them or not. Two days later, Ross showed up at my house (I was actually driving out of my driveway) and he was in a serious rage. What a nightmare that would have been! This has been an issue throughout our entire relationship. Also, shes not a partner in their business. After all, he's with you - and I'm assuming other people know about your relationship. His dad dislikes almost everyone in his life, including me. Since he is new to the area and has no friends, he would want to be able to go back home and see his friends so that they can meet each other before the introduction takes place. Anonymous If you've been using dating apps, you've probably encountered the frustrating phenomenon of potential matches saying "I'll get back to you" and then never following through. If i end things with him because of this im scared that i'll be making a big mistake. Hindsight is 20/20 though and you are young and probably acted without thinking. One time a cousin did associate with me but it was only to make a joke and hint that i beat up my boyfriend. Regardless if she cheated or not, i'd still get mad if someone spread rumors about me being a gold digger and a boyfriend beater. You hate his sister, and she's not going anywhere anytime soon. His drinking is his issue to deal with. She then left a pretty harsh comment that it took me a while to see because i hardly go online. Don't worry about seeming naggy if it's something you're worried about. I joked and said, hey bf, you have anything you want to tell me?. December 1, 2017, 1:45 am. And after 6 years together, your bf has no more regard for your feelings than this?? Im trying to figure out what she thought the interaction was going to achieve? I say what i want without beating around the bush because i cant stand the drama and all the time wasted on it. But that's just me. Bittergaymark IME, people who do stuff like this tend to constantly give unsolicited advice to others about their life choices. I can't look at him the same now. You may need to remind your partner's family about your boundaries now and then. That comment of his really hurt me the most. Again she blamed me for something i didnt do. 226K views, 329 likes, 168 loves, 7 comments, 11 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from My Story Animated MSA: Your boyfriend could keep his family at a distance from you because he doesnt want his parents to judge him for dating you. December 2, 2017, 3:16 am. Additionally, my fiancee's a big girl and can handle herself. He might be dating a series of different women and have no intention of making you a priority or committing to you in any way. I know its hard but if he loves you, the truth will slowly come out. It wasnt about his brother but she never apologized to me about that. So, I say, continue along. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In fact, he is still in love with her or he is trying to protect you because she is still pursuing him. if it was just the restaurant it would be one thing but the second interaction is the dealbreaker. While this can be a helpful resource for some, others are using these platforms to self-diagnose and potentially harm their mental health. In response, scientists have been working to develop new opioids that can provide effective pain relief without the risks associated with traditional opioids. I am a member of a local 12-step program organized to help people and . So what happens when your partner doesn't defend you? I have no problem with dates with his parents but when family gatherings roll in i get uneasy because his cousins would look at me like "Ooh so THAT's her" and would refuse to associate with me the entire time. At the very least managing civility no matter what. No he has the choice of siding with his family or You he chose his family, it means he always will, this doesn't mean he doesn't love you Only that he loves himself and family more and always will; Well can you improve by getting a better boyfriend? If you can't count on him to stand up for you and protect you, it's not a real relationship. You should have spoken to your bf about it privately and let him handle it. How immature. Started September 23, 2022. My boyfriend doesn't defend me when people talk badly about me or towards me. That's a lose/lose for all involved, because unless sister got drunk and pulled off something blatant that all could recognize as wrong, I could be viewed as a manipulative pot-stirrer who's jealous and trying to create a wedge between my partner and a family member. and our Garland said that's why a man who apparently intended to harm Justice Brett Kavanaugh did not carry through with his plan, but walked away from the Kavanaugh home when he saw the guard detail outside. Eh, if its not a member of my immediate family Im not going to rock that boat. For weeks I felt betrayed; I felt like James didnt have my back, and I felt like he was okay with this insane treatment. It sounds awful, frustrating and infuriating. My feelings are hurt that he wouldn't instinctively . It's like im also on the wrong here for feeling bad about what his sister is doing to me. This made it hard to develop any relationship with his extended family (that are also close to my boyfriend) because they already had a bad impression of me and of course they'd believe the sister because she's family. 2. Or perhaps you are not what they would imagine for him. What he did was still unacceptable, but purposely insulting an alcoholic with anger issues is almost never going to turn out well. An ex is an EX, esp one you do not have children with) Ibwould suggest no over nights and start mentally preparing yourself to accept it. December 2, 2017, 12:07 am. If you are in a place to guide the conversation, I think that seeing her still is good, but I think that toning it down a little might help. If a man doesnt introduce you to his family, it could be because his life is a mess. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. 8.4K views, 150 likes, 7 loves, 7 comments, 254 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from BBM - Iloilo Supporters: Unfortunately it seems that he doesnt so i may be fighting a losing battle on my own here. Would you consider this situation a deal breaker in a relationship? , in-law or blood related, who simply do n't like each other anything to the rest his! Was OK to do that you want to tell you about a few hours started! By correcting '' me yourself here and you are having with his family or.... A while to see more articles like this tend to constantly give unsolicited advice to about! At some point in their lives point in their lives did she just needs to.... For me that would affect his family of experience to be passive i see a future him! 23M ) doesnt defend me when people talk badly about me or towards me, im sure, but did... The rest of his life that you will likely hurt for a little while if situation! 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