BookOneXXIX Bribed by Caesar to elicit his support. Sejanus had three children, and Sejanus' daughter Junilla had been betrothed to Claudius' son (Ann.3.29, Suet.Claud.27, Dio 58.11.5) [3], The adoptive family of Sejanus counted two consuls among their ranks: Quintus Aelius Tubero (consul in 11 BC) and Sextus Aelius Catus (consul in AD 4), who was the father of Aelia Paetina, the second wife of the future Emperor Claudius. On October 24, Sejanus' eldest son Strabo was arrested and executed. BookFiveXI Claudius honoured her with the title Augusta. Remains of Roman thermal baths exist near the principal spring, the Lago della Regina and dedicatory inscriptions have been found. "His children also were put to death by decree, the girl (whom he had betrothed to the son of Claudius) having been first outraged by the public executioner on the principle that . Claudius divorced Paetina after October 31, when her adoptive brother fell from power and was murdered. BookThreeIX BookThreeXI Tiberius there in 20BC. He was married to Vipsania Julia, the eldest granddaughter of the Emperor Augustus. Brutus sided with Pompey despite the fact that Pompey had had Brutus Snr killed. Aelia Paetina married Claudius in 28AD, as his second wife. However the betrothal was later broken off. Start studying The Julio-Claudians. Between 17AD and 38AD, Antiochus lived in Rome. Antistius Labeo, Marcus (d. c. 11AD) was a prominent jurist the son of Quintus Antistius Labeo, also a jurist who died at Philippi. BookFourX Caligula lived with her until her exile. Apollonia was an Ancient Greek city and colony in northern Epirus, now modern-day Albania, located on the right bank of the Aous River; its ruins are situated in the Fier region, near the village of Pojani. This is a fascinating psychological portrait of a woman who was too caught up in imagined grievances on the part of her father-in-law to pay attention to the real f Olivia J.R. Thompson enemy. BookThreeX Her son by Tiberius, Drusus the Younger. The practice of joint leadership between two prefects was abandoned, and Sejanus himself appointed the centurions and tribunes. His son and daughter were murdered and his former wife, Apicata, denounced Sejanus and Livilla for the death of Drusus in her suicide note. Background Sejanus was born in 20 BC at Volsinii, Etruria, into the family of Lucius Seius Strabo. His uncle was one of the more powerful and prestigious military men. Television documentaries usually wet my appetite for subjects and I then progress to books and the internet for greater understanding. Tiberius alleged that Asinius had committed adultery with Agrippina the Elder, and had his name erased from all public monuments. This child would become the Emperor Nero. By 2. BookSixLII She warned Nero as a boy not to study philosophy. BookSevenIV Associated with an omen of Galbas accession to power. In 59BC, he was accused of having taken part in the Catiline conspiracy and of extortion in his province. Armenia is a landlocked mountainous country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Sign up for a new account in our community. BookThreeIV BookSevenI He married Livia Drusilla, surrendered to him by Tiberius father, Tiberius Nero who divorced her at Augustus request. The same teenage boy also straight-out assaulted David Cain right after laying eyes on his daughter Cassandra. Aborigines, a term used here for the indigenous population of Latium. It was published in the First Folio in 1623. Nero performed in it as a youth. Sejanus is particularly notorious for his role in the deaths of the family of Germanicus, a popular Julio-Claudian prince and Tiberius' adopted son. BookFourXIV He courted Caligulas favour. Ultimately, however, they did not get married due to the fact that a few days later Claudius Drusus died of asphyxia. [50], When it became obvious to Tiberius that support for Sejanus was not as strong as the emperor had feared, his next step was to choose Naevius Sutorius Macro, previously prefect of the vigiles (Roman police and fire department), to replace Sejanus and effect his downfall. Augustus studied in Apollonia in 45BC - 44BC under the tutelage of Athenodorus of Tarsus; it was there that he received news of Caesars murder. In 52BC he probably murdered Publius Clodius Pulcher and was later unsuccessfully defended by his friend Cicero in the Pro Milone speech. [36] Sejanus began a series of purge trials of senators and wealthy equestrians in the city, removing those capable of opposing his power as well as extending the imperial (and his own) treasury. Won't you let this post count for Augustus? n. l. - 18. jna 31 m) byl velitel pretorinsk gardy a na krtk as druh nejmocnj mu ma.Seianus slouil v pretorinsk gard u za vldy csae Augusta, ale teprve za vldy csae Tiberia zaala jeho hvzdn karira". b) by intermarrying with the ruling house: there was Livilla and her daughter, there was Gemellus, there was Claudius' children etc. Claudius was a brother of Germanicus. A.D. 4-14, via The British Museum. BookEightIX She began a shrine to Claudius, completed by Vespasian. Claudius was a brother of Germanicus. Acilius, Gaius, was a soldier who distinguished himself in the naval battle off Massilia (Marseilles). However, it struggled to escape the shadow of Massalia (Marseille) further along the coast. Sejanus' grandfather maintained relations with senatorial families through his marriage with Terentia, a sister of the wife of Gaius Maecenas, who was one of Emperor Augustus' most powerful political allies. Sejanus Quotes. It now stands in front of Saint Peters. It is now a suburb of Rome, which is 25 km distant. While Dolabellas fleet was destroyed, Antonius was shut up in the island of Curicta and forced to surrender. Founded in 268BC Rimini was a road junction connecting central Italy (to Rome along the Via Flaminia) and northern Italy (along the Via Aemilia that led to Piacenza, and the Via Popilia) and it also opened up trade by sea and river. Lepidus was executed and Agrippina and Livilla exiled. He was stripped of all his offices except that of Pontifex Maximus. Acte, Claudia, was a freedwoman who became a mistress of the emperor Nero. Atalanta, was a huntress in Greek mythology who joined Meleager and other heroes in the Calydonian Boar Hunt. BookTwoII Augustus great-grandfather served under him in Sicily in 205. this seems to me a compassionate caveat that was corrupted under a weak Senate afraid (and misreading) Emperor Tiberius. BookFiveXLII The Musaeum, or Mouseion, at Alexandria which included the famous Library was founded by Ptolemy I Soter, or Ptolemy II Philadelphus. Areus, of Alexandria, was a Stoic or Pythagorean philosopher who enjoyed the favour of Augustus and Livia in Rome. Having more weapons doesn't give you that right. I apsolutely don't agree with Tiberius's orders to kill Sajanus's children. Other historiographers place them in Asia Minor or Libya. He fought and almost completely subdued the tribes in 56BC, though rebellions ensued up to 27BC - 28BC, Agrippa gaining a great victory over the Gauls of Aquitania in 38BC. More was to follow when Tiberius learnt of the . Secondly he married Claudia Marcella Minor, daughter of Gaius Claudius Marcellus Minor and Octavia Minor, without issue. The law was introduced by the suffect consuls of that year, Marcus Papius Mutilus and Quintus Poppaeus Secundus, though they themselves were unmarried. During the civil war, Gaius was a legate of Julius Caesar (49BC), and entrusted, with Publius Cornelius Dolabella, with the defence of Illyricum against the Pompeians. BookTwoXCVII Augustus reached there in 14AD and took ship for Naples, on the way to Beneventum, but became ill, and diverted to Capri. He succeeded Augustus, who founded the Julio-Claudian dynasty. In Tom Holla Continue Reading 21 1 Sponsored by Trust Inform News arrives that when the head was removed a huge snake leapt from the statue. Of the Equites class by birth, Sejanus rose to power as prefect of the Praetorian Guard (the Roman imperial bodyguard), of which he was commander from AD 14 until his execution for treason in AD 31. BookTwoXVI Mentioned as having been proscribed by Octavian. Accius (170BC - c. 86BC), or Lucius Attius, was a tragedian and literary scholar. Asinius Epicadus, a man of mixed race and Parthian descent, conspired against Augustus, hatching a plot to liberate Agrippa Postumus from exile on the island of Planasia. Sent to administer Transalpine Gaul, he ultimately brought his army back to Rome, where he was defeated by Catulus in a pitched battle on the Campus Martius. Octavian also killed Caesarion, which I feel would have been more of a threat to Antony's children, sincer he was the son of Julius Caesar. BookTwoXLIII His grandson Aeserninus was injured in the Troy Game, which led Asinius to complain to Augustus. At the time the girl was only 4 years old but the marriage was prevented when the boy accidentally died a few days later of asphyxiation. The popularity of gladiatorial combat, besides the excitement of the contest, was that the audience could watch death happening to someone else. At the beginning of the following year, damnatio memoriae was also passed on Livilla.[60]. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Lepidus was among Julius Caesars greatest supporters. Antonia the Younger (36BC - 37AD) was a daughter of Mark Antony and Octavia the Younger. He interceded on behalf of the young Julius Caesar. Milo was condemned by 38 votes to 13, and went into exile at Massilia (Marseille), his property being sold by auction. Livia was the first Roman Empress and third wife of Augustus. Despite being defended by Cicero, Hybrida was condemned and went into exile at Kefalonia. BookThreeXLVI His generosity compared with Tiberius. BookTwoXVI Mentioned as being on Octavians staff in Sicily. Ambrani: possibly a Ligurian tribe of the coastal region of north-western Italy around Genoa. I don't believe under the Republic proper there were such instances (but Augustus famously had Caesarion murdered). Lucius Aelius Sejanus (c. 20 BC - 18 October AD 31), commonly known as Sejanus (), was a Roman soldier, friend and confidant of the Roman Emperor Tiberius.Of the Equites class by birth, Sejanus rose to power as prefect of the Praetorian Guard (the Roman imperial bodyguard), of which he was commander from AD 14 until his execution for treason in AD 31. BookFourIV Augustus had ordered Tiberius to adopt Germanicus. It is likely that Sejanus' father Strabo came to the attention of Augustus through his father's connection with Maecenas. On the approach of Octavian, he retired to Perusia in Etruria, where he was besieged by three armies, and compelled to surrender (40BC). Vertalingen in context van "Junilla to" in Engels-Nederlands van Reverso Context: As early as AD 20, Sejanus had sought to strengthen his ties to the imperial family by betrothing his daughter Junilla to the son of Claudius, Claudius Drusus. They included Jean de Magnon's rhyming tragedy, Sejanus (1647) and Henri van der Zande's De dood van Elius Sejanus of Spiegel voor der vorsten gunstelingen (The death of Sejanus, a mirror for the favourites of princes, Amsterdam 1716). BookTwoXII BookThreeIV He fled to join Lepidus after Mutina. Agrippina, Vipsania the Younger, (36BC - 20AD) was the daughter of Agrippa by his first wife Pomponia Caecilia Attica, and thereby the granddaughter of Ciceros friend, the knight Caecilius Atticus. Sejanus' uncle, Junius Blaesus, distinguished himself as a military commander; he became proconsul of Africa in AD 21 and earned triumphal honors by crushing the rebellion of Tacfarinas. BookOneI He interceded on behalf of the young Julius Caesar. The marriage appears to have been an unhappy one, and fell victim to the machinations of the notorious palace . BookThreeXXII Tiberius suppressed news of Augustus death until Postumus had been executed. He was politically allied to Sulla, but once the dictator had resigned in 79BC, Lepidus attempted to undermine the Sullan constitution. BookOneXXIII He attempted to bring Julius Caesar to trial. Albano is located in the area in which, according to the legend, Aeneass son, Ascanius, founded Alba Longa. He was the uncle to Julius Caesar through Caesars mother, Aurelia Cotta. They appear together in Roman mythology and legend with the Trojans as the root-stocks of the Latin people. On the promontory was an ancient temple of Apollo Actius, which was enlarged by Augustus (Octavian) who also renewed the quinquennial games known as Actia or Ludi Actiaci. BookFourXVI Caligula paid him the taxes and revenues accumulated since his fathers death. BookFourXXIII Caligula despised Agrippas lowly origins. The name Atia Balba was also borne by the other two daughters of Julia Caesaris and her husband praetor Marcus Atius Balbus. BookThreeXLVIII Tiberius doubled the legacies left to the army in Augustus will. [12], When Strabo was assigned to the governorship of Egypt in AD 15, Sejanus became the sole commander of the Praetorians and instigated reforms that helped shape the guard into a powerful tool of the principate. From being his "assistant in command," Sejanus became by the year 30 his "partner in toil." Sejanus was married to Tiberius' niece and former daughter-in-law, his images were displayed, sacrificed to, and even worshipped in forums and legionary headquarters around the empire. He was perhaps a descendant of the Gnaeus Acerronius whom Cicero mentions in his oration for Tullius, Pro Tullio, from 71BC. Like Dyrrachium further north, it was an important port on the Illyrian coast as the most convenient link between Brundusium and northern Greece, and as one of the western starting points of the Via Egnatia leading east to Thessaloniki and Byzantium in Thrace. Aricia lies in the Alban Hills of the modern Lazio (Latium) region and could now be considered an extension of Romes southeastern suburbs. The history of Sejanus and Drusus dated back to at least AD 15. But suddenly, at the end of AD 31, he was arrested, summarily executed and his body unceremoniously cast down the Gemonian stairs. His brother was Lucius. He became governor of Macedonia, where he made himself so detested that he was forced to leave the province. With a height of 400 feet or so, it was for many centuries among the tallest man-made structures, and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. He spent the rest of his life in obscurity. Eques prin natere, Sejanus a ajuns prefect al Grzii Pretoriene, pe care a condus-o din anul 14 d.Hr pn n anul 31 d.Hr. BookSixLIII Nero flatteringly acclaimed as his equal in music. [99], The aim of some later novels has been to concentrate as much on local colour as on the story. The second daughter and fourth child of Agrippa and Julia the Elder, Agrippina married her second maternal cousin Germanicus between 5 and 1BC. Listen and learn how to say Sejanus correctly historical figure of Ancient Rome) with Julien, "how do you pronounce" free pronunciation audio/video tutorials. Gaius died in 33 of starvation. The dramatist Ben Jonson borrowed from the poem for some passages in his Sejanus: His Fall. BookSixXLV A cargo of sand for Neros wrestlers arena sent from Alexandria. Aurelia Cotta (120BC - 54BC) was the mother of Julius Caesar. In his work he praised Tiberius and Sejanus, even defending the latter's high position in the government, despite not ranking higher than equestrian. Sejanus despised the Jews and wanted to exterminate their race. The Republic proper there were such instances ( but Augustus famously had murdered! Publius Clodius Pulcher and was murdered was married to Vipsania Julia, the Lago della Regina and dedicatory have... 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