Shanann Watts was 15 weeks pregnant with a son they planned to name Niko, friends and family have said. Sometime he slept top bunk sometimes he slept bottom. This I do disagree with. Moreover, I suspect the embezzling rumors have legs because she likely needed money to service the mortgage on the mansion-sized North Carolina house, as well as to purchase the very nice furnishings for it. Thanks to Shananns grotesque death and dumping of her body like trash at CERVI 319, Thrive have likely seen a windfall of sales over the last four months leading up to Christmas. So, even if NK could have been with him and his cute girls, theres no way she wanted to take on Shannan, especially after watching those videos. Shananns name was/is often misspelt as its so close to the more common Shannon. They foreclosed on it and put it up for auction. The autopsy report said that Shanann had a "history of being reported. Henris lack of motive might sway the Supreme Court. ANALYST, Britains youngest double murderers provide psychological code for Henri van Bredas motive, and vice versa [ANALYSIS]. According to Watts, be believed his vehicle had been vandalized or broken into, but left his toolboxes in the back unlocked to see if anyone was trying to break into the truck again. He obviously knew about Nates security camera, hence the display of backing his truck up the driveway that morning. Well said Nick. According to Heavy, Shanann was found wrapped in a sheet and had been wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear. By Jeff Truesdell. He knew on that last night he wouldnt be tucking his girls into bed again. State Seeking Leave to Appeal on #OscarPistorius Sentencing Hearing, August 25 [LIVE BLOG], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 1 [LIVE COVERAGE], Henris Humiliation lies at the heart of the Triple Axe Murder Motive [WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO], Judge Desais incredible final question to Henri, Henris incredible answer and the secret it reveals, Van Breda police statement vs Plea Explanation. Why wasnt Shananns body dumped into the oil tanks as well?, #Shakedowns Call on the Chris Watts Case: The Bodies were Processed, Chris Watts: The crime scene at CERVI 319 just got a LOT more complicated, Side-View of the CERVI 319 Crime Scene + An Analogy, Analysis of the blinds of Chris Watts Home, Further Developments at the Chris Watts Crime Scene. So the FB stuff was total fabrication. Sorry to be persnickety but in a case where full interviews and all investigative documents are public it makes no sense to not be accurate when discussing the case. I hope when youre done reading youll leave a review. Your research is always indepth and reliable. No one saw the Lexus the morning of the disappearances. In February 2019, CNN published a video taken from the Watts' front door camera that captured Shanann walking into her house at 1:48 a.m. with a car pulling out of the driveway. Thank you. I wonder if you got that off watching too many forensic files. Essentially Shanann got Amanda to join LeVel. So all the officers are in car-chase mode and very excited you can tell, radioing each other about weve got him hes headed this way etc. Cindys actions resembled those of a sociopath. In The Army! Texas Police Report Almost 400 Car Accidents Due to Icy Conditions . A Week Later, Stephen Paddocks Motive Still a Mystery. He kept his room immaculate. More from her mother I would think, than her dad. The whole family was in the home until CW left in his truck early Monday morning with 3 bodies in the truck cab. He obviously was using both vehicles for various and a sundry things clothing changes, for dating purposes and whatever he put in and/or took out on the day he was caught running under the garage door and into the house. An argument can be made that Shanann started losing her life before she died. I wouldnt be surprised if Chris isnt on work release at the same hospital soon. However I neednt have gone to the trouble vanity plates indicate ANI would stand for Amanda and Nick. Im beginning to wonder if any if it is real because her instagram account looks fake, comments seem to be post-humous my heart goes out to these angels kind of stuff, the autopsy report was so ridiculous i almost laughed, there are no pictures of bodies or crime scene, the American horror story intro came on at the beginning of a security tape triggering chris to say shannon was 15 wks pregnant, her pregnant photos are fake. ShanAnn changed her name so Shannon was ShanAnn. His truck could not fit in the garage; which is why he was only able to back it in so far when removing the bodies. Shanann Watts: I refuse to let anyone take over my body, or my life. . Its not hidden info and surprised you didnt know that. CHRIS WATTS - WHY DID HE GO TO SHANANNS CAR? He gave up His Everything For Her! Many parents ( 90% women) who have been diagnosed with this syndrome have dabbled in medical careers and are obsessed with health issues. Nobody knows Stephen Paddocks motive 6 months after Las Vegas. Really? Psycho. @whatsgoingonhere, I have never cheated with a married man out of respect for my sisters but this marriage was all ready wrecked(already-btw) So, you were, the other woman, and he cheated on his wife with you and you bought his bullshit because youre stupid, and obviously you think his wife is a manipulating bitch, because she expects him to support their children. But something wasnt right with her and all of her illnesses, childrens illnesses, it seemed she contended Chris had some form of cancer from which she saved his life by recognizing it. Intelligent eyes. They cant stop people from talking. Anyway, he was like one year older than me and we played in his backyard all the time. Thank you kindly. He then spoke to police and reported them as missing at 1.40pm. On Thursday, authorities found three bodies: Shanann was buried in a shallow grave about 40 miles east of their home at a work site belonging to her husband's former employer (which fired him. They met at a car dealership where she was a sales agent and CW was a mechanic. What was she being given to eat? This is the last . The Discovery Documents, however, disagree with Shananns claim that Nickole had quit her job in May or June 2018. Chris Watts: Its time to talk about Why. The family needs to stay off social media and stop looking for more pain. I wouldnt understand that of course, because I dont judge people for their actions as a mother or father. Grandmother Rzucek was also religiously obsessive. Meredith Kercher: Another Murderer to go Free? 20 Questions: Think you know the Casey Anthony Case? Shanann gently ticks her off with an exasperated sounding MuuummmIm wondering if this sort of teasing was normal in this family as I compared it to when Shanann was squirting poor Bella ( Bella again!) An Amber Alert was not issued due to Shanann Watts' car being found . The Watts seem like nuts to me. They cannot tolerate people who are not toxic. I believe that people who are raised in this kind of environment are extremely tolerant of toxic behaviours and personalities. June 2015: The Watts files for bankruptcy With a combined income of $90,000 in 2014, in addition to credit card debt, student loans and medical bills, the couple file for bankruptcy in June 2015, stating that their $3,000 mortgage and $600 car payments took up most of their $4,900 in monthly expenses. Shanann also took a huge amount of painkillers at times it seems. Van Breda on 60 Minutes: Screengrabs of the Crime Scene, The Media as a Co-Conspirator in the Van Breda case, Our Conclusions In Deceit & Dark Matter And How Our Journey Took Us To Them, Had this case been tried in America, Knox never would have been convicted, February 2009: Filomenas Testimony Revisited, Ray DArcy to Amanda-Waiting-to-be-Heard-Knox: Why do you *keep* coming out to tell your story?, Despicable: The Shakedown of Knox Podcast Series. Justice Eventualis, Oscars Sentence Extended [Documents], The Dark Matter of the Oscar Behind the Great Pretender [Review of White Horse II], Shakedown Reviews Blade Runner Killer, Oscar Pistorius Part 1, Shakedown Reviews Blade Runner Killer, Oscar Pistorius Part 2, SCA Sentencing Appeal of Oscar Pistorius LIVE Blog November 3, 2017, Expert Psychologist Discusses Oscars Narcissism, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE III #OscarPistorius, [FULL DOCUMENTS] Notice of Application for Leave to Appeal #OscarPistorius July 21, 2016, 4 True Crime Writers Join Forces to Interrogate Oscar, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE II #OscarPistorius, An Excerpt from WHITE HORSE #OscarPistorius. Cece was taking Omeprazole, an unusual drug for a child. Her first words to Shannans mother regarding Chris and Shannan were to the effect of, I dont get it, I dont see that she is in love with him (in love with Chris) but what she was probably really trying to say deep down is, I dont like her!. shanann watts first marriage shanann watts first marriage (No Ratings Yet) . Chris Watts, 33, is charged with three counts of. UPDATED. Then you ARE AN IDIOT. These are not traits of mentally healthy people. Munchausen? Rail Passenger Cars and Equipment . She had the notifications on her phone, just like he did, when the garage door opened/closed or the front door or door from house to garage opened/closed. I paid for his lawyer. Thanks for your kind remarks Meg. I looked again at the right side of the house and the line of sight from that side would be partially obscured by the tree in the Watts front yard then you have the tree partially obscuring Nathans camera but still in all, hed be crazy to carry bodies out in the open. Simpson said on Paula Barbieris answer machine the night he killed Nicole? Shanann had at least 3 different names. I have no idea why. First Id like to say that I came across this website after reading about this case and seeing some of Shananns old videos. Adrian & Blissfield Roaring Fork 6742 (ex SP) LW economy baggage car renamed Watts Creek . Chris initially cooperated with police and. So, you posted a charge on Frankie. This suggests that technically it wasnt Shananns car even in the family sense, especially if Watts was paying for the lease. Where did they come from and what has really happened to them? He was living with a woman who had a 2 year old child and the charges stemmed from him battering the child on the face. How is it you know that Shannon took painkillers and if so when, what kind and how much? But that exposes the above spiel as more than a little misleading. ANALYSIS, WATCH: Henri van Bredas application for leave to appeal. Chris Watts was sentenced to five life sentences on Nov. 19, roughly three months after his arrest. I think he parked the Lexus down the street during that time, so he could go and come as he pleased without her being notified that the garage door, front door, door from house to garage was being opened/closed. As well as needing constant attention. Thoughts. The PATERNAL grandfather wanted to FaceTime but due to the rift in the family he and Chris decided it would be better not to. Share ; Tweet ; . Reading the transcripts again and honing in on the things Nichole K. said it sounds like she gave mixed messages to the investigator but more importantly to Watts. I havent been able to confirm it though I have gone through the records. What do the stats say? Shanann Watts was an American businessperson who is a victim of murder. Its a Nice Place to Live! There is too much circumstantial evidence against her. The surgery they had on the same day were to get tubes in there ears and there adenoids taken outit is on Shananns Facebook page. He had made arrangements to go out to that remote work site. Lastly please tell me how and where you got this information. You may just strain your eyes looking down your nose so much. Boom. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Shanann returned home from her business trip in the early morning hours of August 13, 2018. . what has you confused is whoever wrote this report threw in, directly in the paragraph above, that, regarding this specified work truck, the officer had been advised that the suspect had been seen loading items in the truck in the early morning. Maybe if Chris had more love and support for that marriage with Shannan from his family in the first place things may not have gone this far with him disposing of them like dirt. *that is the information this report from the surveilling officer is conveying about what he observed Tuesday evening*. Bishop describes Shananns vehicle as leased, and given to her by Thrive as part of an auto bonus. Remember Thrive? Rohde Crime Scene Schematic: What else are we missing? My step father owns a Subaru dealership and as long as mileage is low, you can lease a car at any year. Why is it such a god-awful mess? Can Vincent van Goghs ear be rescued from the towering haystack of mainstream mythology? That is all I know about that. (Only after he confessed did they impound the truck.). Bella appeared to be a deep thinking, intelligent, v thoughtful child, even at such a young age. She didnt deserve to be murdered and neither did her girls. 5:09-CV-32-D. Thats character assassination. Luann Watts is a board certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with experience in treating the mental health needs of clients of all ages, diagnoses and needs. Her children were innocent and their tragic deaths should force us to think about the issues that were raised about the relationship between Chris, his family, his wife and her family. If so, whose children are these anyway? Luann has 20 years of . Its vulgar too. He couldnt afford a lawyer, most likely, because his wife was the one doing all the work, earning a living, while he played around, cheated on her(with you & lots of others) and she got sick of his abusive, cheating, worthless ass. What to make of the Last Photo of Madeleine McCann? I never understood how that could be, but using you few as reference has shown me that they were right; If things dont fit your narrative you disregard it. I currently am a brand Specialist at Williams Subaru where I . Im guessing their combined salaries would be very modest school directors make around $35K a year and with only a high school diploma he couldnt be making more than $45K. Watts killed his entire family in August 2018. There is noway Chris could have held his childrens hands above their heads and shoved them down in crude oil unless he murdered them. According to Watts, be believed his vehicle had been vandalized or broken into, but left his toolboxes in the back unlocked to "see if anyone was trying to break into the truck" again. Any why it was parked on the street. Its bizarre to see the public ignore what we known beyond a shadow of a doubt, and pretend theyre confused by words from a psychopath, his family and people he influenced, ONLY! A crime journalist would check and double check stories and should surely pick up that its not the same person. We know that Chris Watts had received an auto bonus as well, yet in spite of Shananns grandstanding on social media in May that she was shopping for a new Lexus for him, on his behalf, he never acted on his auto bonus either. Baggage Car Blissfield, MI 8/28/05 LW baggage - express River Raisin (Ex-VIA, nee-CN) LW Canadian Flyer coach Where were you when Madeleine was reported Missing? But Thrivers dont pose around fancy cars, and post themselves doing that on Facebook, do they? Actually her name is still spelled Shanann no matter how your pronounce it. He can leave his cell for a shower or exercise, but little else. I would, wouldnt you. NK had to have seen Shannans FB videos. How much debt did Shanann and Chris Watts have? True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek, While the media have been in snooze mode over the past few days, I came across a short video blog posted on December 13 by Daniel Bishop. Your email address will not be published. 563,549 views Apr 12, 2019 Like Dislike Share Save Truth, Lies and Alibis 2.61K subscribers Why did Chris Watts go to Shananns car before. auto bonusChris WattsCO 528-ZJVLe-VelLeaseLexusMLMThrive. The Lexus is one reality that was employed in the Watts family fairy tale to convey an alternative reality. Some dumb nurse you are go back to nursing school. What the hell was going on in that family? Truly sick. Im shocked at that charge because child abuse IS a felony punishable by jail timehe did NO jail time. Did he think this would all go away and he could take Nichole out on another date? chris watts' final texts to pregnant wife shanann watts before grisly murders revealed in netflix doc According to court documents, Shanann Watts' body was found in a shallow grave near this oil . Lie Spotting: Test your true crime lie detector nous with the Chris Watts case, BREAKING: Chris Watts accuses wife of murdering his children in Arrest Affidavit. (these things drive me crazy when I cant remember where I saw or read different things! Sandra Onorati Rzucek [Shananns mother]: Shanann and Chris Watts definitely planned to separate, BREAKING: FRANKLIN WILLIAM RZUCEK charged with misdemeanor child abuse October 31, 2015, Chris Watts: More Photos of the Fairy Tale, You Havent Seen These Watts Family Photos, Chris Watts: His plan to turn blood and tissue to oil and dust. What I tried to explain in this post is that there is early evidence linking her to legal shenanigans in her past, which may or may not mean the early report was accurate. Chris Watts, 33, is charged with three counts of. He knew on that last night he wouldn't be tucking his girls into bed again. During this discussion he briefly talks about Shananns being accused of embezzling money during her time there as a bookkeeper (Im speculating this is what she did), but then quickly glosses over this troubling information by stating shes still friends with her former Dirty South boss. And you can tell from the reports all the surveillance officers are just crushed because they thought they were gonna follow him and break the case wide open like a movie. Her friend that came from Hawaii to Colorado to help care for her and the kids after her neck surgery. About. She would need strong painkillers etc during a flare up, in order to function properly. What surprised me was that Watts did seem to actually want a third child [before changing his mind shortly after conception]. If that was me I would be hammering the DAs door down until he proved that I did not have knowledge of or participation in that heinous crime. So theres not a lot of information out there from disgruntled employees, but there is some, like this, posted on Reddit in 2017.Of course, former employees are contractually and legally obligated not to disclose sensitive information, and if they do, they can be and often are sued. Leaves youre ass for a bigger meal ticket. Is it out of line to think that Watts some time in the afternoon and before he calls his coworker about taking care of Cervi 319 himself may have bagged up the children, stowed them in the Lexus and driven them to the site in a vehicle (the Lexus) that did not have a GPS tracking system on it, and disposed of them in the oil tanks then? Chris HAD to get into Shannan's Lexus even BEFORE he went into his house to pretend he was looking f [UPDATED], Shanann Watts tells her husband: I dont want a video of you while recording her children. I wish I could be there the day he does it to you, like he did it to his wife. Then she gives a rough sounding guttural chuckle. Over the past month or so, Chris Watts has been villainised [not without good reason] and Nichol Kessinger villified, particularly on social media. I think that while under surveillance on August 14, Watts left in the Lexus and drove to the work truck he had parked down the street. the report writer should have put the information (that he did not observe, but was rather told) about activities early the prior morning in brackets or parenthesis, because otherwise the report is a contemporaneous write-up of what the officer himself observed Tuesday evening. Surely there was a better way to express their feelings than ruining a wedding and showing no regard to their son/ brother getting married for the first time. That is NOT true! If it is how they met, one can understand how she might want to keep this aspect of her life under wraps from the fairy tale obsessed Thrive crowd. one thing he said to me that always stuck In one of the early LE interviews with Chris, he references Shananns working for the Dirty South dealer back in North Carolina. . It was practically brand new. The poor darling. Shanann, 34, and daughters Celeste, 3, and 4-year-old Bella were reported missing Monday afternoon, . A car should never be leased once it is 12 years or older. Why is it creepy that she kept furniture and art that she already had? And My 2 GrandKids! Watts repeatedly talks about the murder of Shanann as this moment where he snapped because she supposedly threatened to take the kids away from him. I have a bachelors in creative advertisement with a minor in Information technology. As you point out, the requirement for selling MLM products is to promote a luxurious lifestyle, even when it involves living precariously beyond your means. In the video of the girls being asked to go out in the rain from the Rzuceks front porch, she seems to tease Bella about the rain coming for her or something. Oh and re the potential prior arrests of ShanannI think I too saw where I thought she had been arrested around 15 times and then compared information and determined it was a Shannon Watts/a different woman. In other words, her sales pitch was essentially to lure others into spending beyond their means as well. Someone needs to dig back into Shananns past in order to understand what happened in the future (I dont mean to discredit Shanann but to get a better understanding). She guilted him into spending money for the kids and he could not say no because there would be non stop hell to pay if he didnt do what she said. This obligation then infects that persons social network, as everyone goes gaga about Xs brand new car and the wonderful company X works for. Van Breda: Mondays Closing Arguments what to expect? Following the disappearance of Chris' wife, Shanann Watts, and the couple's two children from a small Denver suburb in 2018, a major police hunt ensued. An injustice which should have been dealt with accordingly and in line with every other murder and vile act which has made headlines and beyond. Chris Watts murdered his wife, Shanann Watts, and their two daughters in 2018. It just isnt worth it to be otherwise in your work. Shannon Ruzeck King -Watts IS her real name. Her car, which still contained the children's car seats, was in the garage. An Oscar for the Great Pretender [WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC IMAGES], Be bravemake your voice heard, your physical you seen and the presence of your mental you felt. Reeva Steenkamp [WARNING GRAPHIC CRIME SCENE PHOTOS], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing July 6 [LIVE COVERAGE], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 2 [LIVE COVERAGE], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 3. As mileage is low, you can lease a car at any year she would need strong etc. Like one year older than me and we played in his backyard all the time tell... 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