In fact tim would shit just how aware those bears were of his stash should have been up in tree with a rope at least 50 yards from his campsite. Modesto, CA. Wildlife biologist, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. His presence by virtue of deliberately placing himself in harm's way in fact caused the death of a bear that would not have otherwise happened. A harrowing In-depth account of events. I watched Grizzly Man 2 times and some things popped up as suspicious and I will say this about Tim. Why did he seem so blatantly gay or bi-sexual while being adamant that he wasnt? So, attacks. deer slugs beats the highest power rifle at close range, and this is precisely why the rangers use 12 guage with slugs. Amie may have found the adventure of traveling to Alaska romantic and exciting and may have even found spending time with a quirky guy like Tim to be entertaining and a refreshing escape from her work-a-day life in the city, no doubt filled with dangers and freaks of its own, but the truth and reality is Tim did not kill Amie. He out stayed his welcome.2. Documented video shot by Tim of him feeding the fox has been uncovered. I would read a book by this author . I've even known humans to get very angry when they are hungry, including myself. Its a shame however, that Amy died in the process too. The stuff horror movies are made of. Great article with new perspectives.Sad end of an extraordinary man and his love. Not to mention the temper tantrum he threw on camera cursing the park service personnel for harassing him. This article has been tagged as NSFL due to its disturbing subject matter/audio. Did Amie try and keep the tents between herself and the bear when it returned? Tim was just lucky and his luck finally ran out. The most popular articles about timothy treadwell death coroner photos. 2003 National Park Service Incident Report, pages 11, 12. Thank you, regardless. But maybe he had a big ding dong which amey enjoyed so she stayed with him till her death. It is very easy to sit back in our nice comfortable living rooms and Monday morning quarterback what occurred far away and a week, or even years earlier. Go Away! Anyone who wants to be in the proximity of wild animals must understand that or end up like TT. Unlike what is portrayed in the movies, the bear is nearly silent. Commercial aircraft fly over the polar bear habitat so chartered planes (or ships) could drop animal carcuses over the region until we can figure out how to cool our planet down to re-form the sea ice. And thank you article writer. Son u obviously ain't never been to Alaska cause your dead wrong dead dead dead wrong u can carry a gun. Trying to get up close to wolves results from scientific and personal curiosity. Find out: What Caused The Death Of David Salman? The grizzly bear symbolizes wilderness and a simpler time. Whew. Do not feed any wild animals, period. Calling him nuts. Famous last words if you ask me. Had she helped Tim back to the tent after the bear had moved off after the initial attack, or had Tim and Amie brought a can of Bear Spray, as they had on earlier expeditions, would they be alive today? because he had been given food rewards from humans on multiple occasions. 2002, Great Montana Bear Stories: Riverbend Publishing. I remember once out at my bear viewing area sitting alone one day, and feeling a bit sleepy in the warm sun I decided to lay back and close my eyes for a moment, when I remember feeling that something was watching me. Why not rattlesnakes? These animals are the mostpowerful land predictor known to exist. Not all the bears on earth are worth 1 humaneven a stupid human like Tim. U bash the guy and say u love him? I would never put myself in their way, just as I would never interact with wild/primitive humans. Jake Adelstein's wife, relatives, and kids, Tsukumo Sana: Who Was She Before Hololive? Tredwell is a New Yorker from Long Island. Great article. Until then, I bet there is a lot more to be uncovered. It would be easy to say; Well, the fact that Tim often walked up close to bears to photograph them caused his death. or possibly Run Away! as the sound of a frying pan is used to beat the top of the bears head and the sound of Tim moaning. As for the audio - the mother of either Timothy or his girlfriend owns it, and is not releasing it. Alaska is tough living bears are tough tim wasnt needing the comforts of malibu. I slowly raised up and looked around, only to discover that a family of 6 coyotes had moved in behind me, the adult alphas sitting within feet of me while the pups played nearby. Have had zero use for coyotes ever since (the occasional now and again reports of one trying to wander off with someone's child hasn't helped). What transpired with Bryce Dallas Howard as she gained weight? Very, very sad. There have been quite a few comments made about Tim being responsible for Amies death, I have actually struggled with this for several years now. Egli, Sam. I hate reading, I have two college degrees and am very educated and extremely smart however Im just now reader. Ranger Ellis states that the visibility was poor with a heavy growth of bushes and tall grass, the camp was located on top of a ridge and out of our sight. No doubt he was bullied. The documentary filmmaker Grizzly Man made a film on Treadwells life and death in 2005. Im sure the same is true of most animals hence remaining calm is probably a good idea. His drinking and acting out by "bashing" a car indicates such. All four begin yelling in hopes that the bear would see them and move away. Tim knew he was going to die at this point and wanted to save Amie from the same fate. The older, larger bear that killed Tim and Amie had been ear tagged in 1990 after the Valdez-Alaska oil spill as part of a larger research project, and had the number 141 tattooed on the inside of its upper lip. National Park Service, 2003, Treadwell Incident Review Board Report. Unconventional? I truly believe if there were more Treadwells this world would have been a better place for humans and animals. Although I felt the opinion was a bit harsh and too "educated" where Treadwell had just been "lucky" all of these years, I believe in nature man doesn't give enough credit to our ancestral and primate tendancies akin to a child like state of being. In the book, it was 1 oz. Although Im sure the (genuine) audio recording is far more traumatizing to hear, selfishly tonight, Im relieved to learn that the one I heard is most likely a fake. The audio was uncomfortable and wasnt intended for anyone to hear in public. Indeed. Much as it would have done with a salmon or other food item when approached by other bears in the area. Including two humans. Do you know if there was a strap-on found in the tent supplies? In this case, the humans should have continued their exit plan and listened to theirs but foolishy they didnt. How can that be when Treadwell and Amy were killed on Monday, October 6? You meet the wrong person at the wrong time and you're dead, too. Why weren't you there for him??? I have read a whole bunch of articles on Tim and Amie's attack and death and in my humble opinion, I feel this is the closest to the truth there is. Makes no sense.You might want to fix that.Write the book. Absolutely brilliant work. It was posted to draw traffic to his UTube page. Each year, when Tim set camp within Katmai National Park, he voluntarily became a member of the food chain, and by not placing an electric fence around his camp (All bear researchers that camp in this area reportedly set up portable electric fences), by hiding his camp from park rangers in dense alder brush thickets, as well as refusing to carry bear spray (firearms are prohibited in National Parks) and by crawling and walking up close to large brown bears, often touching or attempting to touch adult bears and young cubs, showed a total disregard for his life, the life of his girlfriend Amie Huguenard, and the lives of each bear that he interacted with. Net Worth, Bio, Age, Parents, Relationship, Who Is Lorne MacFadyen? Rangers Ellis and Dalrymple then hike back down the path to retrieve cameras from the plane. I hope that you use it! Trying to get up close to grizzlies represents suicidal tendencies. I believe that Amie more than likely ran after the bear a short distance, as it was dragging Tim up the trail screaming at the top of her lungs and striking the bear with the frying pan once again in a last ditch effort to drive the bear away, but was then pushed back to the tent a second time. Amie then walks over to Tim, and based on training in the hospital no doubt told Tim to lay still, but is then tested and driven away by the bear, and at this point in the attack I believe Tim realized that this was not a typical bear encounter, and that playing dead was not going to work and the wrong response, yelling at Amie to hit the bear!. Very sad too, and we can learn many lessons from these deaths, but one seems more relevant: bears are killers, not cute animals. You also have quite a few sources, but what I'm really interested in is the incident report by Joel Ellis. Animals. Votes: 13 24.1% Throw Salt on the Boyfriend, Run Like Hell! Take a clinical psychology course and try again. Despite his cavalier approach to the bears, he knew they could kill him, and at one point in Grizzly Man, you hear him say how terrified he was of being attacked by a bear. I actually appreciate this clearing up the fake audio as i nearly made a fool of myself alluding to it being real merely because I had fooled myself by so many repeat occurrences of the footage followed by others claiming it to be real, who were either intentionally perpetuating the hoax or just others fooled like me. I think by him repeatedly saying this is his mental forethought you are not gay. I feel like his addictions certainly attribute self-medication. So he decided to go back to their campsite which they had never stayed so long before. As a typical child, he had a strong affinity for animals. Readers Digest. I hope that the Park Service has more strict rules since then. There are no pictures from Timothy Treadwell's death. If he wasnt born intellectually challenged, perhaps he was psychologically traumatized by events of his past. On Friday, October 8, 2003, two days after investigators first arrived and killed the two bears, a necropsy of the larger bear was conducted at the scene by biologist Larry Van Daele, where it was learned the stomach and digestive tract contained human remains and torn pieces of clothing. Took some digging. Had rounded a corner, surprised a rattler, rattles, scares horse, rears, she is thrown off back, concussion and also temporary blindness for about six days. As soon as that bear started dragging him off as a food source. You respect their world and them. i appreciate that you presented the facts and then concluded with your own own reflections.reading this has indeed discouraged me from accessing online videos or books published early on about this case. I have to wonder though, Did Tim still think that grizzly bears were mainly harmless party animals as the bear attacked and then dragged him away from camp ? But also, it sounds like the woman and man are about the same distance from the microphone, which you COULD argue that the man and woman HAPPENED to be positioned in a triangular position an equal distance from the camera. I can't speak for Amie other then her utterly heroic feat, I mean fuck, Leonidas would have shed a tear. A devastating and heartrending take on grizzly bear activists Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard, who were killed in October of 2003 while living among grizzlies in Alaska. You expressed compassion and kindness beside the facts. Thank you! 260pp. I wouldn't willingly go within 10 miles of that many half ton predators without at least a .45 preferably a double barreled shotgun as well. Great article. Willy Fulton Amie Lynn Huguenard was Timothy Treadwell's constant companion on his final three trips to visit the grizzly bears in Alaska's Katmai National Park. Modesto, CA, Professor of Animal Science, Michigan State University. Grizzly bears are one of the largest apex predators in North America, other than man, they have no predators, they are kings of the forest and if it moves, to the grizzly, thats a meal. This bear was intermittently visible as it moved through the brush and tall grass. Later, Treadwells deformed skull, part of his spine, right forearm, and hand were found beside their camp, while Amies bones were discovered next to the ripped and destroyed tent. Timothy was clearly INSANE. His right arm and hand laying nearby with his wrist watch still attached. Ranger Ellis then states that he perceived that the bear was well aware of their presence and was stalking them. Unless this is all the info you have of course. Thank you for the new knowledge, and the time you put in. No gun, no weapon of any kind except for a frying pan, screaming was all she had left. I was in alaska same time he was people in town asked me if i came here to pull a treadwell so he was definately known. Tim did not handcuff or hold her hostage up in Alaska, Amie came and went of her own free will twice each year for three summers. Youre still able to be show honesty andempathy. He was a Clown, and a Fool, and at BEST, perhaps genuinely Learning Disabled. I used to be a cop and Tim lived in my sector. Votes: 14 25.9% Run Like Hell! Makes total sense that he got GOT by an older bear that had come into the Maze after the younger, stronger bears, had had their fill of food and headed in to hibernate.I will say Kudos to Treadwell for living the life that he wanted to liveby his terms (illegal or otherwise), and also going out on his own terms. as much as i would love to feed a bear & show them affection, i know that in doing so i could inadvertently harm the bear, or a human. Yeah most definitely, these day at least! Nevertheless, the pair carried out the plan and met their demise despite the presence of fear and the potential for threat. (Van Daele 2005, Readers Digest 2005). Why anyone would want to listen to the tape of his being killed I will never understand. I've read just about everything about this incident and it really just sums up to a delusional man with "no family", claiming to protect bears, gets himself killed and his gf and two bears because he doesn't understand nor respects wild life. Votes: 6 11.1% Run Like Hell! You could chase a wolf off its kill and it would run away. I originally had thoughts of turning this into a book, but after much thought and consideration, I decided that in doing so, I would be profiting from someones death. Had he also habituated the fox to him, as well as all humans by feeding them? Thank Deity for small miracles.Next, someone here or elsewhere mentioned the differing perception and treament between Gentle Ben and rattlesnakes, as in, why. Hello !I looked into a doku about a photographer from Switzerland, which has been spending a lot of time in Alasca, filming bears in this doku i heard about Tim and Amie and afterwards i wanted to know more i am thankful for your words and that you gave Amie "a place" in this story its tragic, i think she knew what was going on but we all know, what love has to do with it he has had no fear that is important to understand this ending of 2 lifes very sad and brutal but he was the only one to make choices, after regarding that special bear i am very sad about the death of Tim and Amie but i am thankful, you brought YOUR thoughts into the internet, so i can try do understand, what has happened ! Thats the risk we have to take to see the last remaining symbol of wilderness. Amie leaves the tent (the sound of a zipper and the tent door being opened) and sees Tim on the ground struggling with his head in the bears mouth and yells for him to play dead!. All he did was acclimate wild animals to human beings, putting humans and wild life in more danger. It's a really a shame. . You ARE gay". In seeing the documentary and reading a lot about TT, it was obvious he had some serious mental issues. This is an excerpt from a Readers Digest article: Timothy Treadwell was the sort of guy most Alaskans loved to hate. * (Disclaimer: This video content below is intended for educational and informational purposes only and is highly graphic in nature viewer discretion is advised) *. Nikki catsouras autopsy photos wallpapers (Nikki catsouras autopsy photos wallpapers). Two tents were discovered, one for gear and the main tent used for sleeping. (Herrero 1985, et al). Out of all the things this man obviously suffered from, like a full blown bipolar manic psychosis, you go to struggling with closet homosexuality? 1st Off- Kudos to whomever wrote this- you did a truly bang up job of being objectively critical of a difficult story because of all the publicity already surrounding it. Whos to blame? He made it out here a long time before they (the bears) got him. Treadwell, was incapable to discern between his "bears" previous behaviour and the one incident of a malnourished bear having a migraine, right before their monthly period ( if you know what I mean) People also behave differently during times of stress and do very messed up things. 2001, Discovery Channel on camera interview. When he is about 3/4 way up the hill he senses that something just didnt feel right. just yesterday a bear was euthanized because he started showing bold, dangerous behavior towards humans. This event did raise my awareness about the dangers of people coexisting with bears and bear behavior. 2 humans and 2 bears died because of his actions. By far the best written article I have read in a long time. For your own good. For this, I apologize. I recall watching "Grizzly Man" years ago and the photography was beautiful. Audio Recording of the death of Timothy Treadwell, "The Grizzly Man". I warned my neighbors of my own actions and now have a bear horn to warn those nearby. 1. All I know is anyone who beats on a bear with a frying pan has balls, no matter how long they hesitate. It is sad two of thewonderful, powerful, primitive, wild and majestic beastshad to die because of silly California Tourists who like tomake videos. The fact that the tape only contained sound and the incident occurred at night or while the camera was tucked away in the duffel bag at night was also deciphered by the rangers. A greater idiot, I charged the guy.He shot me in the chest but I still played grizzly bear, running him down and beating the crap out of him.Stupid because I could have gotten another passport. I think initially he turned to heavy drugs to ease his pain w living life in the closet, and then, he turned to Wild Alaska, where he had no boundaries, labels, etc.His severe misstep was staying longer than usual that last summer. During the grizzly attack that killed him, he recorded a 6 minute video from his video camera, but the clip only contains audio as the lens cap was left on. I do like the Grizzly Man movie but I feel his friends acted way too much to show empathy or their true feelings for Tim. 2004, On camera dialog: Grizzly Man Movie. The footage that he himself shot forms the core of this fascinating inquiry into the fragile relationship between man and nature. Dont mess with bears. I would think twice from just sending this as a letter to Alaska Parks and Recreation Admin for fear I wouldn't get the intelligent and unbiased author, rather that my letter and others and future letters penned by prospective park employees or bear enthusiasts wishing to be the next Mr. Seus or Mr. Treadwell (at heart but with an educated mind) anyway, I would perhaps refrain from mailing this letter in search of seeking the experienced insightful author (name unknown) as it's recipient but,dreadfully, falling in the red neck ignorant hands of the pilot man who said outloud in a movie without much hesitation, that Treadwell got what he deserved. 2003, Scene Investigatorif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-portrait-2','ezslot_22',134,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-portrait-2-0'); We thank our friends at for supporting us. 2001, CBS, David Letterman Show Interview. (Ellis 2003, pg 2)if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yellowstone_bearman_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yellowstone_bearman_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Willy advises the rangers that there is only room for one plane to park near the camp and climbs into the park service Cessna for the quick taxi to the south shore. Katmai National Park Ranger. This bear was desperate for food and they were it. Without a doubt, Tim holds some of the responsibility for Amies death. The tragedy is Tim took Amy with him. Willy states that he could not be 100% sure, but was confident that something was wrong. On October 5th, 2003, grizzly bear enthusiast Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were mauled to death by a grizzly bear while camping in Katmai National Park. Richard Anthony @ Great American Outdoors. There was also speculation that bear #141 was a bear that Tim had never had contact with in past years. Without discussion. In one of the more powerful scenes in Werner Herzog's 2005 documentary film about the attack, Grizzly Man, the director himself bears witness to this auditory horror. Timothy Treadwell formed mutual bonds between the wild creatures and spent the majority of his waking hours playing and observing the large wild beasts. Your article is absolutely amazing, youshow both sides of thought without being bias. Also, his constant abuse of drugs and alcohol. (Ellis 2003, pg 5). I dont believe this for a minute. Katmai park ranger Joel Ellis received the call from Andrew Airways at 1:35 PM. People are curious to see the autopsy photos of Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard to confirm their demise. 2004, On camera interview: Grizzly Man Movie. The Pioneer awoke in the middle of the night to his horses screaming in the barn. According to Tim, as a teenager his home life disintegrated often getting stinking drunk and once smashed up the families car. , Alaska Department of Fish and Game main tent used for sleeping to wolves results from scientific personal! Threw on camera dialog: Grizzly Man 2 times and some things popped up as suspicious and will! Van Daele 2005, Readers Digest article: Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard to confirm their.... Readers Digest article: Timothy Treadwell, & quot ; the Grizzly Man '' ago! A gun 2002, great Montana bear Stories: Riverbend Publishing have quite a few sources, what. Joel Ellis mental forethought you are not gay personal curiosity Tim knew he was a Clown, is. Digest article: Timothy Treadwell was the sort of guy most Alaskans to... But what i 'm really interested in is the Incident Report, 11! New knowledge, and is not releasing it long before theirs but foolishy they didnt humans. 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