They will pop up in places they know you frequent. why would my ex girlfriend (F19) (i'm a male) (M20) lie about having a girlfriend, asking me through text if i want to see her girlfriend unprovoked, then sending a video of her and her girlfriend <. There are only 2 possible reasons why an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend would do that: Due to anger and bitterness. This boosts her self-esteem and makes her feel really good about herself. Heres where other guys mess up when in a situation like yours. In that case, your ex probably didnt know whether he was dating that person. Also, it may be because they are trying to get back with you, so knowing they have someone else may spoil their chances. Also forgot to mention that he was having problems with E.D. An old friend who has always loved her, but she has never really felt much attraction for him. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Judge his good and bad gestures and decide if your ex is the kind of person youd want as your friend. They also deserve to be happy, so keeping the new one hidden initially may be their way of not trying to jinx things or make the same mistakes from the past. Youre the sad one that got brushed aside. I can unsubscribe at anytime with a click. 00:47. Instead, hell support you when you need him and give you space when youre doing fine. While a person might quickly get into a rebound relationship, even when they have not moved on from their ex, being happy dating someone new could also be a sign your ex is over you. Advertisement. On one hand, she might be thinking things like, I love being in a new relationship. If she did cheat on you before the break up and you find out about that, then she becomes the one who messed things up. due to substance abuse after our breakup. Anyone but pathological liars, of course. WebSkip to content Home; About Us; Specials; Contact Us; Blog; Schedule Appointment; why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend Perhaps you have mutual friends and they want to keep up the faade of being innocent in the break-up. Or is he trying to feed his ego or make me jealous or just seem like he is when he really didnt. He just wants to protect you in his own way. Training and Certification He responded immediately with a No I have not but when I asked about the other two his reply was dont worry Im ok. Another scenario in this regard may be that he was cheating on you but gaslighting you. I think that while you were talking, hed met another girl and ghosted you as a result. Unfortunately, from your vantage point, your boyfriend could be telling the truth. When that happens, you can then build on her feelings and get her back. So, I came about to be a relationship advice writer! He felt he had to do the honorable thing and marry her. So if your ex is still talking to you, hanging out with you, and trying to help you get over the breakup, your ex most likely lied to you for you first and himself or herself second. As a result, she will not only lose more respect for him, but she will also feel like she is in the power position and he is still trying to get her back. You have every right to be angry and disappointed that it didn't work out. That means from the moment you met until the moment you decided to call it quits. I have since gone radio silence. WebWhen my ex-boyfriend lied to me about his new girlfriend, he admitted later that it was because he was still slowly pulling away from me AND he was unsure about how he felt about the new girl. Instead, the main reason why women cheat on their men is this: Emotional unfulfillment. Married and only be sleeping with her on the side. Sometimes they just want to keep their lives private, perhaps the previous relationship you both shared did not work out because it was all over the place. In real life, when a guy asks his ex if she loves her new boyfriend more than him, she will usually feel turned off by what she perceives as his emotional neediness and insecurity. If you have adequately prepared for the future and have set the gears in motion for whatever plans you have made, then you can just set it and forget it. The more sexual and romantic attraction she feels for you, the more willing and even happy she will be to open back up to you. This will require two steps. It's only available here. Stay strong and you will come out the other side. Our team of coaches at With My Ex Again is here to help you navigate these murky waters and tell you what you need to know and what to do. They lose respect for you. by using humor to break down her defenses, flirting with her to create sexual tension, showing her via your actions and behavior that youre a new man now). I dont understand why youre being like this. Usually when two people separate, they have been unhappy and disconnected for quite awhile, so they feel like theyve been alone for a long time. Source: If not, here is another common reason why your ex girlfriend could be lying about having a new boyfriend. I just cant see him randomly being with girls like that even when drunk and horny. If nothing works you might need to get a third party or the authorities involved. Of course, if the new guy knows how to build on her feelings in the relationship, she might go from not being proud enough to show him off, to telling everyone (including her ex) that he is the man she loves and wants to be with for life. If your ex lied to you about dating someone else for himself, however, then the situation is a bit different. In the previous chapter, we mentioned that your ex lied to you for you, for himself/herself, or for both. You say that if a person loves their partner up until the moment the 3rd person enters the picture, then they should stay. Your letter is not about your ex being a d*ck. Sometimes, that secret can be a huge burden if they cant unload it to anyone else and they make the decision to bear it and deal with it. There are some truths that we just never come back from. All you can do is prevent your ex from hurting you by shutting your ex out of your life and focusing on yourself. But humans like to label and put things into categories. This is the only way they know to get your attention. He didnt lie because he wanted to help you, but because he wanted a clean transition from one relationship to the next. Share your experience below the article. They might not be compatible. So we spread lies about them. You do not need to get sucked into your exs vicious cycle and absorb the lies into your own life. I dont want a coward or a lair back. A friend approached me and told me that an ex had just arrived. Studying the vast and complicated world of relationships entices me, and I am constantly striving to learn more, so I can then help others with more knowledge and experience. Is he lying about actually sleeping with other people when he possibly actually didnt? You need to follow the same ex back process that you would follow if she hadnt cheated on you. You need to understand their motivation. So dont talk to your ex, dont stalk your exs social media, and most importantly, dont blame yourself for your exs actions. The sting of pain can fade away, but it cant be taken back. Instead, shes going to say whatever it takes to show you that shes okay and moving on without you. He never liked to admit that I was his 3 sexual partner even though it was true. We've all probably been there. I think she loved you, but her love quickly disappeared when she met the new guy. They need a reason to explain why you dumped them, What To Do If Your Ex Is Spreading Rumors About You. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be lying to you. So let your ex get away with lies and keep moving on. Some men are pretty private with their personal affairs and would prefer to lie just to keep their personal lives to themselves. Does he have to make me spell everything out for him?. Therefore, since its not uncommon for ladies and even men to want to know who their ex is in a relationship with. So, dont pretend to be happy for your ex and her new boyfriend if youre not. Please give me one more chance. Your ex lied for himself as he showed no sympathy and made the breakup hard on you. shes soft spoken and polite, while he likes to talk loudly and tends swear a lot and get into fights). I know I broke up with you, but I still have feelings for you, so its hard to just move on. So if your ex lied to you about seeing someone else and you dont understand why your ex lied, look at it from your exs perspective. There is also the off-chance that your ex is testing you. So, if your ex-boyfriend falls into that category of what you call a good guy while you dated him, you shouldn't be surprised hes lying about this issue. But confronting your ex about it is not the right way to go about it. Yet as soon as I have my back turned shes with someone else. So, if you were seeig a good guy, lying about his new girlfriend may just be his way of keeping his moving on very quiet without making you feel you were not important to him. So, yeah, if your ex thinks there's a chance you might do something weird because of his new relationship status, he might not want you to know he has started seeing someone else let alone, letting you know who she is. Sometimes, people tell lies because they care about how others may feel. Terminate your friendship with your ex immediately and ask your ex to stop reaching out to you. Most guys will never discover this secret and as a result, they miss out on getting their ex woman back. 2023 Elite Communication Coaching, LLC. Maybe the breaking up wasn't something you wanted. Ex Spreading Lies About Me (Why They Do It And What You Can Do To Stop It). Yet, I guess youre over me, right? Your ex just wasnt sure if you could handle the truth, so your ex lied out of protection and self-protection to avoid a messy situation from spiraling out of control. What is important is that you enjoy the time you are living through at this very instance. Does he not realize that I am human too? If you were clingy or needy with your ex in your past relationship, youre probably telling yourself, my ex is lying because he or she might be trying to teach you a lesson. Why Did My Ex Unfriend Me But Not Block Me? Maybe he thought/knew you were sleeping with others and didnt want to make you think that he wasnt attractive, so he went ahead and lied to you. There is no quicker, more effective way to get an ex woman back than what Dan teaches in this secret video. Even if she isnt happy with him, shes probably not going to come out and say that to you. She will then have to deal with him falling apart in front of her, or on a phone call. You dont need to bring up the fact that she cheated on you prior to breaking up with you. However, what if your ex seems to be hiding their new girl from you? Well she did get angry and immediately handled me like a total stranger and demanded I dont call her for at least 9 months. You feel betrayed and disrespected. If this doesnt work, talk to your friends and explain what is going on. Thanks for the article. Trying to make a woman feel guilty for not wanting to tell you the truth about her personal life (i.e. While it works for some people as a comfort zone in helping them quickly get out there, rebounding sometimes has negative effects since they did not leave room for proper healing from their past relationship.. For a man like this, lying to you about his new flame may just be a way of saying you are no longer part of his life. WebSo, if your ex girlfriend is lying about having a new boyfriend, a potential reason why is that she is trying to protect her self-image. | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. She will then try to be the best girlfriend she can be for you, to prove that she would never do that again. And also, if youre looking for personalized 1-on-1 guidance,click hereto see our coaching plans. He wont breadcrumb you, confuse you, get angry with you, point out your flaws, and blame you for the end of the relationship. Enter your email below to watch the video for FREE right now. I remember I was in my twenties and at a party. They are avoiding responsibility for their behavior, 5. When a couple first starts dating, there is always more energy and passion in the relationship. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you are a teenager get your parents involved. If you want your ex back, you shouldnt waste time and energy stressing out while you wait for her to decide between you and her new man. i never told my girlfriend that i saw my ex at the gym. How could you be dating a new guy already? He actually doesnt know how to talk to girls and was never the aggressor even with me. The break up is all your fault.. Youd better get back in line and do as they say. Your ex isnt being honest with you or herself. If you dated a boyfriend that's an unrepentant cheat, a liar, and is perhaps deceiving his current girlfriend, the circumstances of his actions may make him deny having a girlfriend. I know that he made some mistakes and turned me off, but deep down I know he still loves me and if he changes, I could definitely see myself with him in the long term. I only want whats best for you.. People do strange things when they are emotionally unstable. So, she protects herself from a potential attack by lying about her new guy. shes a successful business woman, but her new guy is a blue collar worker who is into drugs, getting drunk all the time or other things that she wants to keep quiet). I keep wondering if this wouldve happened without covid. It simply means that when you interact with her, you dont pretend to be her neutral friend. This is a subreddit dedicated to asking women for advice. He or she broke the commitment to you and can now as a result, talk to others, date them, and even sleep with them. you might be feeling upset, annoyed, angry, confused, betrayed, lost, heartbroken, disappointed). we had a short conversation but for the most part left each other alone. My Ex Doesnt Want an Exclusive Relationship Right Now. Its not your fault your ex jumped straight into a new relationship and lied to you about it. Start worrying about yourself If you dated a boyfriend that's an unrepentant cheat, a liar, and is perhaps deceiving his current girlfriend, the circumstances of his actions may make him deny having a girlfriend. Why Are My Exs Friends Contacting Me And Being So Nice To Me? If he did, he wouldnt just talk to you and would actually get back together with you very quickly (in a matter of days). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The truth about lying is that lying is extremely frowned upon. Since he may not be sure how you'll react to his moving on, especially if he's the one that did the dumping. He didnt even have the balls to tell me (even though he said he would, should have known better, shame on me) instead he posted about his new girl on his IG feed for me to see. So lets first talk about how you can tell if your ex lied to you because your ex wanted the best for you and possibly himself as well. In some cases, the cheaters are liner-uppers. They may act jealous of your new partner. Another way to move on that will also require a steely resolve is to regain a newfound worth for your own life without your ex. I didn't think so too. You dont have to pick their phone call, answer their texts, or emails, or messages. I mean that period in a relationship when we are not sure of what we have, where things are heading, and so on. This makes her look at you in a more positive light and realize that you probably are the right guy for her after all. If you want to, you can, but you dont need to do it. Flirt with her to build up sexual tension between you and her. You have better things to focus on, like continuing to work on yourself in order to, above all else, be a better person, and secondly, to get your ex back. If thats the case, then you really have to ask yourself what youre doing with this person and why? lying to you may seem like a safe option so that you don't get curious about the identity of the new girlfriend. And thats basically it. Perhaps they cant cope with relationships that end so they lash out. Advice Column: How To Move On From A Lying Ex. If you want the relationship to work, just focus on building on her feelings from there and making sure that she never wants to cheat on you again. (Side note he was not visiting for sex that day. Your ex lied about seeing someone else for one or both reasons: To protect you from . WebA couple of weeks ago we hung out had a good time and then I noticed a couple of days later he had moved me to the last of his friends on myspace. Punctuation is your friend. If you are, I believe I have the answers youre looking for. More on that later How long do rebound relationships last? If your ex lied to you about dating someone else for himself, however, then the situation is a bit different. If they confront you in person, you can politely ask them to leave and not harass you. They lie frequently. At least, romantically and perhaps in other ways. Youre the guy that I truly want to be with, but because weve broken up, Ive had to settle for what I can get and try to move on.. Knowing her might end up making her know that you and your ex both dated, which may start making things messy. But, there's more. This was not your decision to make. Because of this reason, keeping their lives private is one of their modus operandi, especially to the exes they have been toxic and abusive towards. Spreading rumors is a bullying tactic. He's probably afraid you'll mess up his parade with his new woman. You never have to repeat the words my ex is lying to yourself ever again (at least as it pertains to this ex) unless to reflect on it so as not to commit any of the same mistakes. So lets say you ask for information about their past dating relationship and maybe something they did with someone else. If you have trouble deciding whether your ex lied about dating someone else for you or for himself, think about how he handled the breakup. Learn the rest of the new guy already not uncommon for ladies and even men want... Confronting your ex isnt being honest with you is when he really didnt her, or on phone! 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